Geek Day!
The CI Club’s first theme day on 10th October saw both freshies and seniors geeking up the campus in their bow ties, suspenders, oversized spectacles and too-high pants. Geek Day was clearly a hit at WKWSCI. Students were raring to unleash their inner Sheldon Coopers—why stop at a pair of cheap oversized pseudo Ray-Ban spectacles? We went all out with the checkered shirts, pigtails, bowties and centre-partings, amid strange stares as we survived the uncharacteristically long bus rides from hall to school. The professors got an eyeful of our geek splendour that day, though whether we behaved as studiously as we looked remains a matter of serious doubt. It was clear from the laughter and goofiness in the air that day that us WeeKids really know how not to take ourselves too seriously. School spirit and Wee-camaraderie punctuated the Instagram feeds and Facebook newsfeeds that week as other schools watched in green-eyed envy that this first school event was such a riot.