Co m p i l e d b y I n g r i d R o c k b e r g e r
Three Cheers for WIZO Florida!
The past few months have seen several dedications and openings of renovations and new
WIZO projects – and out of five items featured on these two pages, the first three are thanks
to WIZO Florida.
Opening the Ivcher Dormitory
There was excitement and euphoria in the air
as a large delegation from WIZO Florida and
members of the World WIZO Executive were
present at the official opening of the Ivcher
Dormitory in WIZO Nir Ha’emek School, which
will provide housing for 60 students. The funds
for the extensive renovations were obtained
through WIZO Florida.
guard of honour as the dormitory was officially
opened. Excitedly, guests went from room to
room looking at the wonderful new facilities.
As it was Friday, in the baking area of one of the
new clubrooms challa dough was ready and
participants kneaded, plaited and baked challot
for Shabbat.
Youth Centre Opened at Nitzan
On the first day of Hol Hamoed Pesach, in the presence of
Housing Minister MK Uri Ariel, members of the Moskowitz
and Falic families, World WIZO Executive members,
distinguished guests and residents of Nitzan, the magnificent
youth centre donated by the Irving Moskowitz Foundation
was dedicated.
Four hundred families, who were evacuated from Gush
Katif as part of the Gaza disengagement plan in 2005 were
resettled in this kibbutz whose history goes back to 1942.
Gradually, new homes are being built, as the community
continues to rehabilitate itself.
(l to r) Tova Ben-Dov, Rabbi Daniel and Debbie Moskowitz, Simon
Falic, Housing Minister Uri Ariel, Rivka Lazovsky, Jana Falic
WIZO Nir Ha’emek’s police cadets form the guard
of honour
Delicious cheeses from WIZO Nir Ha’emek’s dairy
Four New Playgrounds!
Four new playgrounds were recently dedicated
at the Pilavin Gates Day Care Centre in Rishon
le Zion generously donated by WIZO Florida
in honour of: Itschak and Anita
Friedman, the Bensayag and
Bursztyn families, the WIZO Zorahat
Group, and Boris (Beines) Lekach.
blue and white and in each classroom everyone
joined the children in song and dance – and best
of all – the husbands joined in too!
The Moskowitz family was represented by their son
Rabbi Daniel Moskowitz, his wife Debbie, children and
grandchildren. Rabbi Moskowitz with Jana Falic, Co-President
of WIZO USA, unveiled the name at the front of the building,
cut the ribbon and unveiled the plaque in the entrance.
very hard for the residents of Nitzan, as they have tried to rebuild their lives. This magnificent centre will provide a ‘home’
for them to gather for activities and leadership courses.”
Rabbi Daniel Moskowitz expressed his delight and honour
to be present, and was only sorry that his parents were not
well enough to participate. “The last nine years have been
The ceremony ended with a rousing rendition of the
Hatikvah, followed by the release of blue-and-white balloons
by the children.
Dedications at the Rebecca Sieff Centre
On a beautiful winter morning in January, guests
were treated on arrival to a delicious breakfast
featuring cheeses from the school’s dairy. WIZO
Nir Ha’emek’s police cadet academy provided a
WIZO USA Vice President Judit Groisman gave an
emotional address saying that “all the chaverot
work so hard and come from so far away – and
today, to see the result of our work, it could not
be better!”
Micaela Ziv (l)
and Sarah Meron
cutting the ribbon
at the entrance to
the hall dedicated
in the name of
Dame Simone
The renovations of two special halls at the Rebecca Sieff
Centre for the Family were dedicated and officially opened
during the Meeting of Representatives. The first was the
sports hall which was dedicated in the name of Dame Simone
Prendergast, niece of Rebecca Sieff and a staunch supporter
of WIZOuk. The plaque was unveiled by her cousins, two
of Rebecca Sieff’s granddaughters Micaela Ziv and Sarah
Meron, both of whom volunteer at the Kagan Youth Centre
in Jerusalem. Sarah read a message from Simone’s sister, Ann
in South Africa: ‘Simone was an exceptional person. She was
kind, talented, beautiful and elegant. Her life was dedicated
to helping people.’ Sarah de 67&