WIZO around the world
famous ice-cream, along with a personal tour of this special
ice- cream making process. WIZO members are looking
forward to many more events this year ranging from expert
flower arrangement with Debbie Weiss to an intimate
breakfast with Bill Granger.
(l to r) WIZO Austria President Hava Bugajer, Minister Sebastian
Kurz, Young WIZO member Daphne Frucht
Models displaying evening dresses at the WIZO Argentina race
day fashion show
Off to the Races
At the close of 2013, right before the beginning of
Argentina’s summer holiday, WIZO Argentina held a superb
cocktail party at the Buenos Aires Horseracing Track, hosted
by entertainer Julian Weich. Under the guidance of Vice
President Katy Gueler, WIZO Argentina designed a special
betting system. In addition to the race itself, the event
included a fashion show featuring evening dresses and
hats, musical entertainment, dancing and champagne!
Celebrating Bar & Bat Mitzvah
Children who have shared their Bar or Bat Mitzvah with
WIZO learned the intrinsic value of giving to those who
are less fortunate than them. WIZO NSW was delighted to
welcome five Bar Mitzvah boys and one Bat Mitzvah girl to
its AGM in March. Each made a generous donation to WIZO
Australia’s Bnai Mitzvah programme and were presented
with certificates in recognition of their contribution. This
year, WIZO NSW will be proactively working on this initiative
and focusing on educating prospective Bar and Bat Mitzvah
children on the value of helping a disadvantaged child in
Israel to celebrate with them.
International Women’s Day
One hundred and fifty women celebrated International
Women’s Day with WIZO WA-Perth. After champagne on
arrival, renowned journalist Ros Thomas spoke of her
transformation from a ‘naïve’ young girl with big dreams
and a solid work ethic to a well-known journalist covering
major events such as Princess Diana’s death and the
Oscars. With humour and honesty, Ros demystified the
complexities of being a modern woman juggling family,
work, social life and community. The second guest, Sharon
Parry, shared findings from her physiotherapy research and
discussed maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the office. As
an observant Jewish woman, Sharon explored the balance
between striving to be the traditional family-oriented Eshet
Chayil woman of valour while still aiming for professional
excellence and respect within the community.
International Women’s Day was also celebrated at Carmel
School through an interactive presentation by Anne
Topelberg OAM and Rachel Barrett, as well as a rec [