Wiz Magazine 3/9/14 | страница 2

Made By:


Lady Fall

Bilbo Baggins

Jasmine FireBlade

Icy Witch


Main Wiz Magazine Banner By: Grass99

Graphic Headers and Cover Design By: Expelliarmus

Pat-O-Gold is Here!

Pat-O-Gold has returned to the spiral for the spring and has brought with her an exclusive pet and wand collection, her wands run through any level to 85+! Catch her while she's here because once she leaves, she wont be back for another year!

Test Realm Moves To Live Realm!

Test realm, which included dungeon recall, team up, and a boost to the fire school has gone live, make sure to use these handy new updates! To find out more about what is coming live, check our earlier news coverage on it.

Oh and also,