Wiz Magazine 3/2/14 | Page 6

Featured Thread

Ever wondered what people did in the Spiral? Trying to find a nice adventure story? Well, look no further, because the Adventures in Wizard101 thread was posted by Warlord1000bc and is full of fellow wizards posting their wizardly adventures! But, perhaps you'd like to post your own too? Either way, be sure to check out this awesome thread here!

Featured Story

Or in this case, more like "Featured poem", but no matter. This amazing poem was written by the talented Rachel ElizabethDare and it is called "Ha, like I said, in your realities". Though a bit dark for those who prefer happy poems, still excellently written. Be sure to check it out today by clicking here!


Did you know hugging strengthens the immune system and your self-esteem? Make sure to hug someone and join the Wizards' Association of Hugs (WAoH) to spread the happiness to our wizardly community. You could save someone happiness by hugging them! Go on...hug someone now and join the Wizards' Association of Hugs today!

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