Wiz Magazine 2/5/13 | Page 8



This week we would like to shine a light on something important in this game. Everyone has needed help at at least one point in their adventures in this game. I think that we can all agree that there have been many times we have helped a friend out or had a friend help us out. There are so many difficult tasks in this game such as defeating cheating bosses or fighting same school mobs. Unless you haven't really gotten far in Wizard101, you know that there are some hard parts in this game. One of the most important things you can be armed with in Wizard101 is not the newest gear, a great pet, or thousands of crowns, but teamwork and friendship. Without friends those towers of cheating bosses would be next to impossible and everyone would struggle. We do recognize that there are many people who prefer to solo, but don't you feel a sort of extra strength when you fight alongside a friend? Without teamwork, where would we be in the game? I can tell you I would still be stuck in Ghost Avalon, if I got that far alone anyways. So remember to use teamwork whenever you can.