Witnesses of the 2nd world war WWII in Greece | Page 16

“An unlucky soul” One thing I will never forget was an accident that happened in 1943. On a sunny day of November, a company of many children of Elassona got outside of the city of Elassona. They reached the bridge above the river “ Elassonitikou ” . There was an area full of mines. (All the bridges then, were full of mines, to make way for the rebels difficult). There, the kids were playing a game made by a hoop, called, gili. The hoop fell in the river, next to the minefield. As the kids didn’t know anything about the mines, a child called Ilias Samaras, tried to get down the bridge and take the hoop to continue the game. The minute he stepped his foot in the area, a mine burst and the child was killed. His company was horrified from the event and returned to the town, having left Ilias dead. They told their families what had happened and their families went to the German principles.