The last few months have been turbulent in Muggle politics, which has had some surprising effects on Magical Britain as well. After centuries of British rule over Scotland, the now former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond pushed for independence from the United Kingdom, prompting a public referendum. Muggleborn wizarding citizens of Scotland even turned out in droves to cast their vote. The Scottish public, however, ultimately voted against independence.
There were strong arguments for and against, the Yes campaign citing Scotland’s cultural identity, and the No vote focusing on the economic implications of independence. Despite the difference in tactics,it was a close race, with the No vote winning by a margin of only 5%. The effects have been felt all across the country—including in Magical Britain.
Scotland’s independence referendum stirred up tensions in the Ministry, with Rashida Colquhoun, the Head of the Muggle Liaison Office, publicly declaring her support for the Yes vote. This has raised the question of Scotland’s sovereignty, with Donald Macmillan speaking out in the Wizengamot in favour of Magical Scotland’s secession from the British Ministry. This prompted a brief resurgence of the Welsh Secessionist Faction, who picketed outside Minister Shacklebolt’s office for two hours on a Wednesday.
The Ministry wasn’t all in favour, though—a Ministry of Education spokesperson told the Daily Prophet that due to Magical Britain’s ties to Hogwarts, they would not support Scottish Independence. Hogwarts Headmistress Minerva McGonagall was not so partisan, issuing an official statement that the school would continue to accept students from throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland no matter the outcome of the referendum.
Although the Scottish have made their choice, the question still lingers—is there a place for one body to govern all of the United Kingdom and Ireland in the modern Magical world?
With muggle and wizarding worlds alike in their passion and confusion regarding the move to independence, Witch Weekly takes up the report.
"No matter the outcome of the vote, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will continue its dedication to the education of magic to all magical students of the 'British Isles'" - Hogwarts Headmistress Minerva McGonagall
Transfiguring Borders