Witch Weekly Magazine First Issue - 31 October 2014 | Page 4

Dear Lonely, Don’t let them get you down Poppet. Just because you are sorted into a house doesn't mean you have to act a certain way or have it completely redefine you. Just look at Horace Slughorn! Professor Slughorn was very brave during the Second Wizarding War, never giving into the pressures to become a Death Eater and even became very instrumental in helped to bring down Voldemort. He was able to use his Slytherin traits and do something good! If those people were really your friends, they would stick up for you no matter what. Real friends will stick alongside you through thick and thin and no matter your house. Your house is not your most defining feature, so remember to stay true to yourself and the right people will come along. Be proud of who you are and your house, as a few bad eggs didn’t spoil the bunch. Slytherin has produced many good witches and wizards that have changed our world for the better. Why we have Slytherin house to thank for the great wizard Merlin! The most famous wizard to ever walk this earth known specifically for his good deeds and he was sorted into Slytherin! If those other kids are truly bullying you, don’t be afraid to tell a professor. They deserve at the very least a good ear-bashing.


I have a very sick six month old at home. She’s spewing boogies everywhere and doesn’t have much of an appetite anymore. She’s running a fever and rarely sleeps through the night. I’ve taken her to a healer, but they won’t give me any pepper-up potion because she’s so young. I’ve mixed up a small peppermint paste to rub on her chest to help loosen up the mucus and cast a cooling charm on a rag we keep on her head to try to break the fever, but that’s about all I can think to do. My husband and I haven’t been getting much sleep because of her constant wailing at three in the morning. We’ve been fighting this for a week now, I feel so helpless I just want to help my baby, but have no idea what to do.

Please help!

Exhausted & Helpless Mother

Dear Molly, I’m a first year at Hogwarts and I was sorted into Slytherin. I was so chuffed at first, because it’s a family legacy, but now it’s mucked up everything. Everyone takes a piss at me . I came with my best friend and we made more friends on the train, but after the sorting they were all mean to me and turned my best friend against me. I was the only one sorted into Slytherin everyone else went to Gryffindor. They say I’m evil and will grow up to be a Death Eater. I don’t want to be a Death Eater. No one likes the Slytherins. Hufflepuffs are terrified of me, Ravenclaws just send me death stares, but the bloody Gryffindors bully me. A few of the other Slytherins have been nice to me, but I miss my best mate. He won’t even talk to me anymore. Ever since he joined those stupid lions he’s been avoiding me. He won’t even talk to me in class! I just want my best friend back. What should I do?

Lonely Snake

Molly May I?

Dear Exhausted,

Never fear dear we’ve all been there. When we had Bill I was much in the same boat, clueless as to what to do and only trying to help my little one. By the time Arthur and I got to the twins I had it down pat. From what you told me you’re doing just fine already. I would suggest you continue what you’re doing, but when you feed her add just a little bit of the pepper-up potion into the bottle, just about a teaspoon. It won’t cause any damage and she’ll be feeling right as rain in the next two days. Be sure to buy one of the apothecary-made potions, and not the stuff supplied by the hospital. Apothecary brands are typically weaker. If you can make the pepper-up on your own that would also be a good alternative, just be sure to half the dose of mandrake root that you would usually use. After she’s taken it, she might have a little smoke come from her ears, but that’s perfectly normal.

Hoping she feels better soon,
