1) You’re at work, and you’ve just been handed a massive stack of assignments which you have to complete over the weekend. Do you:
a) Put on your favourite ‘pump-up’ music and get started, working on a bit of everything at once.
b) See if your co-workers are all in the same boat, and then invite them all over to your place so that you’ve at least got company for your now boring weekend.
c) Head back into work on the weekend – you’ll either find someone to work with or it’ll be a quiet environment in which to work. Either way, it’s a win for you.
d) Go home, barricade yourself in your room and start working through everything methodically. After you’ve asked someone to check in on you every so often to make sure you’ve remembered to eat.
2) Pets are:
a) Adorable, right up until the point when they start being treated like people.
b) Adorable, but you can’t get just one. You wouldn’t want it to get lonely.
c) Adorable, but nobody needs more than one.
d) Adorable, as long as you don’t have to spend long
periods of time with them.
3) A friend of yours has just been dumped. You’re going to:
a) Go straight to their house with a concerning amount of alcohol – you’re going to help them drink through the breakup.
b) Get a bunch of friends together, loads of ice-cream, and that muggle film ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’. Misery needs company and carbs.
c) Go over to the dumping party’s house and give them a stern talking to. If they happen to accidentally get hexed in the process, that’s just unfortunate, isn’t it.
d) Give them a day to wallow. Nobody wants to be around people when they’ve just been dumped, so you’re going to give them time before you start to ease them back into social interactions.
4) Your ideal Sunday night is:
a) Either hanging out with some friends or spending some alone time. You’re fine with either.
b) Where my people at? There are another ten hours before work, so there’s still time to socialise.
c) Hanging out with your best friend, having arm-wrestling fights.
d) Enjoying some quiet time by yourself before the work week starts.
you don’t have to spend long periods of time with them.
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Are you a
(We promise that despite it all, you ARE a keeper to us!)
Mostly A’s - Keeper
You work well on your own as well as part of a team. Some of your best work is done in high-stress situations where you have to juggle multiple responsibilities. You’re especially good at looking at the big picture. You can look at a set of problems and immediately prioritise their importance before figuring out a plan to get all of them done almost concurrently.
Mostly B’s - Chaser
You are a team player. You work incredibly well with others, building the sort of rapport which allows you to communicate almost subconsciously. You like having a specific role to play with a limited number of possible permutations. You don’t like things boring, but you certainly like them predictable.
Mostly C’s - Beater
Initially people see you as aggressive, but once they get to know you, they realise that you’re just fiercely protective of people. You like to work with someone else who shares your interests and goals, but you can get along just fine on your own.
Mostly D’s - Seeker
You are a lone wolf. You can work near other people, and you can do the same thing as other people whilst in proximity with them, but you work best when you’re given a task and left alone to achieve it. That said, your focus can be so single-minded that you occasionally need other people looking over you to make sure you don’t run into trouble. When you succeed, however, it’s spectacular.
Adela the Mystical Moose-Whisperer