Wishing Well Newsletter Spring 2024 | Page 2

Judah ' s


WAY from Home

At only three years old , Judah ’ s life has been filled with upheaval and instability . Although his parents thought they had welcomed a healthy boy into the world , just seven weeks after birth , Judah was diagnosed with a liver disorder . Despite their best hopes , at six months old , Judah ' s liver began to stop functioning .
Every day , this brave family made the decision to choose hope over defeat , and joy over despair with the help of family , friends and the incredibly kind nurses and doctors at the hospital .
“ The smallest little things in the everyday mean the most .”
-Katie , Judah ' s Mom
Judah was immediately put on the transplant list and thus began five weeks of anxious waiting for the call that a compatible donor had been found .
When the call finally did come , they immediately packed up the car and drove five hours to the hospital .
After hours in the waiting room , the doctors informed Judah ’ s parents of the fantastic news : the transplant had gone splendidly .
The family referred Judah to Make-A-Wish to make their celebration of Judah ’ s monumental victory even more special . When his parents proposed the idea of a playhouse , Judah immediately knew that was the right wish for him .
The playhouse would allow Judah to have a haven that would never go away . “ We have been so uprooted ,” Judah ’ s mom reflected . “ I just want him to have his own little space at home ."
Referrer : Katie Brooks Volunteers : Linda Carnevali and Shane Sarver
When the house finally arrived , he set off running toward it , hardly able to contain his eagerness to make it his own . Pulling at his sister , Willow , he begged her to come and play with him . Willow , not wanting to steal Judah ’ s thunder , said , “ Judah , it ’ s your playhouse .”


“ No , it ’ s our playhouse !” Judah responded resolutely .