kids get attracted to the presentation of
food . do give them new and fun dishes as
per their choice and likeness.
Another way to make foods look more
appetizing to children is to present them in
a way that is fun and creative, for example
by using star cookie cutters to make fresh
fruits and vegetables into fun shapes. You
can chop the vegetables like pepper,carrot,
onions, mushrooms and add to the pizza or
2. Be a food role model for
your child:
Before feeding to a picky eater, one of the
valuable tips for you is be food role model
for your child. The children learn about
food habits, or what to eat and what not to
eat is by watching the eating behaviour of
people around them.
Picky eating is normal for the toddler. As after the
rapid growth of infancy, the baby usually tipples
in weight. This leads to slow down the toddler
growth rate and appetite.
This is a stage where the toddler begins to
develop food preference. So in this article end,
you will opt to know about the things you are not
aware of the ways to get picky eaters to eat.
Tips For Picky Eater:
In fact, research shows that young children
are more likely to accept new foods when
others around them are eating the food
as well.As per a study in 160 families
found that children who observed parents
consume more vegetables for a snack
and a green salad with dinner which as
a results helps them to more likely to
meet daily fruits and vegetable that are
recommend for those children who doesn’t
have it.
Make sure you give enough healthy foods
like vegetables at meals and as snacks
in front of your child. This habit of healthy
eating will help the children observe the
eating nutritious foods can help them gain
the confidence to try them as well as it will
built their growth and development.
1. Be Creative With Recipe:
Texture and appearance of food matters a lot
and works great to fix a picky eater toddler. The