Warli In Everyday Life:
Warli painting is very famous
and popular in everyday life. The
geographic pattern of shapes such
as circles, triangles, and squares to
form numerous shapes depicting life
and beliefs of the Warli tribe are very
commonly used by the home decor
brand and designer.
In many parts of Maharashtra and
Gujarat, you will find this form of art
in rural school, homes and lifestyle
products. They used two-color
and they don’t need more form of
color to express their culture and
tradition. It draws the attention with
the message in it. The painting is
done in a mud and cow dunk cakes
Due to the designer and home decor
brand today we are reaching out
to the various international market.
They are making their unique stuff
with the help of the creative and
unique ancient art form of India.
of the country but also it is famous in
worldwide in International level.
Not Just An Art:
This form of art is not just regarded
as a simple art form. It tells us the
significance of being a human and
how we are conscious with respect
to environmentally and finding joy in
It convey the meaning and say
how people lives a simple life. It
describes the harmony between
nature and man. This is the main
objective behind each and every
Worli painting art form.
The Worli people believes in nature
for food and everyday living. It is
very true for the life that a human
being leads a life. This art form
convey the improvement stage of
human what he was down the line
and the achievement where he has
reached today.
The Worli houses are also referred
to as the pattern of decoration
and design. It is the best regard
and known for its monochromatic
depiction that expresses the socio-
religious status, custom and belief. The art form gives a clear picture
of the simple pleasure of life that
the human was enjoying and was
getting down the year line. It gives
the idea of the immerse and impart
knowledge that the human was
enjoying their life.
There are many inventory ways
of design of Worli painting that is
used in various elements like cell
phone covers, smile, bed sheet,
emoticons, etc. Today this form is
not only popular with a different part There are certain people in today
generation like Jivya Mashe and his
sons Balu and Sadashiv has kept
the art form of Warli alive in today’s
generation. In 2011 Jivya Mahe
was awarded with Padma Shri for