Wishesh Magazine October 2019 Wishesh Magazine October 2019 | Page 27

Conversation of Sandra and her father Her father asked- What’s so special about the pen? Sandra- It is a Doraemon pen and writes smoothly. Sandra and her father were at the shop and she bought the pen. Sandra- Doraemon is my favourite cartoon character. My friend Rosey also have the same pen and now we are matching. Am going to show the pen to all my friends tomorrow. Her father- We will get the pen in the evening from nearby stationary shop. Her dad smiled wide looking at his daughter’s happiness. He also says- “You must keep your pen safe. Something you love to buy must not be spoiled or misplaced.” Then the little girl went to her mother to show the pen. She completed her homework with her favourite pen. Sandra-Yes Dad! Am going to show you the pen daily after the school. The next day, she happily went to the school and showed the pen to Rosey and her other friends. (She jumps with happiness) the school, she found that the pen was not working after some time. She opened the pen and tried to check it. But the pen spilled the ink out and it made a mess. Sandra din’t understand what to do. She was scared and guilty to tell about this to her parents. She cried silently for the pen, till end of the day. Then, she decided to steal Rosey’s pen and she did it will fear. The next day, Rosey complained to teacher that she lost the pen. Teacher asked Sandra if she took the pen as she was sitting beside. Rosey and other children said, Sandra is innocent and she don’t cheat or hurt anyone. She is good to Rosey also. In the evening, while leaving OCTOBER 2019 | WWW.WISHESH.NET