Wishesh Magazine November_2018 Wishesh Magazine November 2018 | Page 77

in Madras after another freedom fighter T Prakasam was arrested by the British. While Mahatma was doing the Dandy March, she was leading the Satyagraha down South. She was subsequently arrested and had to spend three years in jail and that too in solitary confinement. Durgabai Deshmukh’s training ground was the national freedom movement where she learnt the lessons of perseverance, austerity, and sacrifice. It also brought her in unhindered proximity of the masses and their quotidian struggles. Thus she made it her mission to ameliorate the plight of the downtrodden. the marriage when she 15, before the couple could even consummate it. After meeting Gandhi, not only her, but her entire family gave up all forms of Western wear and decided to wear only Khadi. She later decided to quit school arguing against the imposition of English. All this happened amid the thick of Non-Cooperation Movement. Nine years later, she led the Salt Satyagraha movement Durgabai identified the culprits of progress as lack of education, obsolete superstitions and subaltern treatment of womenfolk. The Andhra Mahila Sabha founded by her played a commendable role in empowering women through education, health facilities and vocational training. As a member of the Constituent Assembly NOVEMBER 2018 | WWW.WISHESH.NET