Wishesh Magazine November_2018 Wishesh Magazine November 2018 | Page 57

Its previous tenancy had ended on December 31, 2017, and in agreement with the rules, it was not entitled to instant re-election since it had by now served two consecutive terms. Shaped by the Assembly in March 2006 as the chief United Nations body dealing with human rights, the Human Rights Council encompasses 47 elected Member States. On the base of reasonable geographical distribution, Council seats are assigned to the five regional groups as follows: Asia Pacific States, 13 seats; the African States, 13 seats; the Eastern European States, 6 seats; Western European and other States, 7 seats, and Latin American and Caribbean States, 8 seats. The new members elected Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Eritrea, Somalia and Togo in the African States category, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic in the Eastern European States group, Argentina, Bahamas and Uruguay in the Latin American and Caribbean States group and Austria, Denmark and Italy in the Western European and other States category. Commenting on the elections, rights group Human Rights Watch said “In ridiculous vote devoid of competition, UN General Assembly elected #Philippines, #Eritrea, #Bahrain & #Cameroon to be among new members of @ UN#HumanRights Council in 2019-2021. Such votes make a mockery of word ‘election’. It said Human Rights Council member states should seek to neutralize any attempts by its “worst members to shield themselves and other serial rights abusers & keep doing good work on #Yemen, #Myanmar, #Syria, #Burundi & other crises.” NOVEMBER 2018 | WWW.WISHESH.NET