Wishesh Magazine November_2018 Wishesh Magazine November 2018 | Page 35

5. Help them quiet their negative self- talk: The raising of an optimistic child get easy with this tips you will follow. Like adults kids also, have an inner-critic whose voice can be quite loud at times. The movement of times you hear your child say, “This is too hard for me” or “I’m too dumb” and so on other statements . Left with unchecked, these negative statements can take hold in your kid’s psyche and they will start believing it. Try to ward this off early by helping your kids to confront their negative self talk. Start with empathizing them and let them know that you understand what they’re feeling and teach them to externalize those thoughts and beliefs.Make sure you too help your kids to learn how to replace the negative self-talk with positive statements or thoughts.encourage your kids to say something like “ it might be hard now, but I’ll give it another shot tomorrow”. 6. Teach them to put things into perspective: Bad things happen with course of time and that’s how life is. It just the matter of our attitude and how we react to what happens to us make all that the difference. Teaching this to your kids and helping them to adopt the optimistic thinking will elevates your kids from the phase of victims to victors. While performing this tips the parents should be careful not to sugarcoat things or ignore the facts in a misguided attempt at “positive thinking” or being optimistic. This tips will definitively help you to raise an optimistic kids as the kids will become more perfection in dealing with NOVEMBER 2018 | WWW.WISHESH.NET