Wishesh Magazine November_2018 Wishesh Magazine November 2018 | Page 33
Seeing the glass as half full
or having the conviction that
things will eventually work out
in a cornerstone of resilience
and will be an absolute asset in
achieving any kind of success
in your kids life.
When life gets tough and
difficult you want your children
to hang on, pull themselves
together and always keep
going. Instead of giving up, the
parents should make the needs
to believe that things can get
better and work towards that
to their kids. Research tells us
that encouraging optimism in
our kids comes with numerous
benefits taking-responsibility-
for-your-own-well-being/ , That
gives a greater sense of relief
and satisfaction in life, as well
as a better ability to cope with
the stresses of life.
let’s be honest in raising an
optimistic child which will
improves their chances of
having a healthy and protected
social life. In this article we will
focus on the way or tips to raise
an optimistic child. Here are
some of the valuable tips that
develop a sunny outlook on life
for your children:
1. Model optimism:
Are you keep on saying things
like “Everything always goes
wrong” or “We never have
enough money”? If such then
please stop it. If you always
try to focus on the negative
thoughts for your child activity
or behaviour then it will be
classic pessimistic trait. Even
if these views, behaviour, and
attitudes are communicated
to your child,then they will
more likely to develop same
traits again and again as they
always watching and listening
to you. Try not to complain
and gripe to your kids. If you
really want to help your kids
to become more upbeat then
start by having a brighter
outlook of yourself and be a
model of optimism.
2. Foster an
attitude of
gratitude in your
With the above point this
has also an butterfly effect in
developing an optimistic child
.One of the basic tips that
can help your kids to become
more optimistic by foster an
attitude of making gratitude a
habit in your home. To start
with encourage everyone in
family daily to share one good
thing that happened or that
they were grateful for, to your
kids . This will show them
a clear picture of naturally
looking for the silver lining in
every experience yo share
with them. With course of
time as your kids grow older
the habit will come naturally
to them and they’ll lead a
happier, healthier lives. This
will enache their positive
optimistic attitude.
3. Allow them
to experience
success and take
reasonable risks: