Wishesh Magazine December-2019 Wishesh Magazine December-2019 | Page 4

WISHESH WORLD NEWS MAGAZINE EDITOR IN CHIEF Kiran Eti HONORARY REVIEWER Shruthi Byra DIGITAL DESIGNER Srikanth Reddy G COORDINATORS Sidhu , Manikanta CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Ramya, Neha. TO CONTRIBUTE / ADVERTISE / BACK ISSUES & ENQUIRIES Kiran E [email protected] Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. -KIRAN E, EDITOR IN CHIEF Contact me at [email protected] The trade mark and trade name WISHESH E-Magazine is owned by WISHESH Digital Media Pvt. Ltd. Reproduction in whole or part, or use without permission of the content owner, publisher may be prohibited. Please read our terms of service, privacy policy and disclaimers from WISHESH E-Magazine and WISHESH Digital Media Pvt. Ltd. WISHESH E-Magazine takes utmost care to provide authentic information as much as possible. However WISHESH E-Magazine may time to time carry content containing gossips, content from multiple internet sites or hearsay or discussions over heard or emails received or content contributed anonymous writers and/or inputs from varied sources. We acknowledge that WISHESH E-Magazine Digital Media and its sponsors neither endorse nor are affiliated with the gossips, buzz or unconfirmed news articles and are not responsible for any content or any link contained in a link site. WISHESH Digital Media Pvt. Ltd. does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such content. In the event you have any grievance in relation to any content, you may contact our grievance officer with full details: [email protected] for immediate action. The publishers do not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers or for third party content. While every care is taken, neither WISHESH E-Magazine, nor its agents, accept any liability for loss or damage. Our contributors offer a diversity of views; their opinions are their own and not necessarily shared by WISHESH Digital Media Pvt. Ltd. WISHESH E-Magazine. Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd. Plot No:26, Nagarjuna Hills Panjagutta, Hyderabad, A.P. India - 500 082 Ph: 040 - 23352804