Wise Woman Issue 1, Winter | Page 2

From The Editor Editor: Laya Rocha Layout & Graphic Design: Meg NightJar Laya Rocha Inside this issue: From The Editor Laya Rocha ...03 The Language Of No Words Fiona Ross ...04 Longing For You Anna Louise May ...05 Feature Article: Womb Nesting Layola Antara ...06 wordStream: Jessica Eden-Lore ...10 Polina Outkina ...11 Revolutionary Break-Up Time Courtney Maria Halsted ...12 Go To Ground Miranda Mueller ...14 Featured Artist: Katz Cowley ...16 Death at 30 Jan Nadarajah ...20 Movement Is Life Tia Vasiljevic ...22 Welcome to the very first edition of Wise Woman Magazine. My intention is to provide a platform for Women’s voices, stories, experiences, knowledge and insights. It is my vision to create a means for Women to share words from the Heart, that we can all relate to, not just informative articles, shared by an anonymous, impersonal source. I want to hear how the wisdom and learnings blossomed, offering glimpses of the inside story. The Mousai Room: KAISHA ...24 From Journal to Journey Meg NightJar ...26 The Breeze Is Gentle Ewa deMahina ...28 The Song Of My Life, The Poetry Of My Soul Zanetta Shakti ...30 Our Ancestors Are Calling Us Back To The Land Valeria Paz ...32 Book Review by Penny le Breton: Caliban and the Witch -Federici, S. ...34 Taking My Power Back Taschka Lawlor ...36 Nurtured By Nature Echo Andarta ...38 Winter Recipe: Miso Soup ...40 Male Sexual Entitlement & a Woman’s Role in Perpetuating It Penny le Breton ...41 Offerings ...43 There are plenty of publications advising readers on various topics, but to me, there often seems to be something missing – who are these people anyway, and what gives them the authority to offer me recommendations? I want to hear from the Heart, not just the mind. What really touches me, are stories of courage and strength, from rags to riches, of surviving to thriving, of despair to hope. I like peculiarity and humour and am moved most when the words inspire and spark deeper inquiry into myself. I want stories that are real and raw, up close and personal. I hope Wise Woman magazine will provide a platform for creativity to be encouraged, honoured, valued. There are so many ways for our essence to be expressed – music, painting/drawing, photography, creative writing, poetry, dance, food, sculpture, interior design…to name a few. We are not only nourished by engaging with our own creative process, but just as nourished by receiving other’s divine creations. The philosophy of this magazine is to support the return of the Feminine, strengthening the Sisterhood and dissipating the separation and competition that is causing so much disarray in this world. I believe community is the answer to the current world situation. We have so much to share with each other and it is imperative that we come together, pool our resources, physical or non-physical, to support the healing, growth and flourishing of all Beings and essentially, our Mother Earth. We have all come here with certain gifts to share, and we are all precious pieces of a puzzle that is beyond our Human comprehension. It is important to become informed, to open our voices and allow our innate wisdom to come through. To remember. I hope this publication will touch you in some way also, and inspire your inner light to come forth to be received by the world. This will be a constantly evolving project of co-creation and collaboration, shifting with the seasons…the fruits, a reflection of the kind of input it receives. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you as it unfolds. With Love, Laya Rocha x 01