Wirral Life September 2019 | Page 69

Fast, effective treatments provided by experienced doctors in Wirral. Laser Non-Surgical Facelift The Fotona 4D Treatment lifts, tightens, plumps, improves skin texture, and provides wrinkle reduction with the use of 4 unique laser modes: SMOOTH ® , FRAC3 ® , PIANO ® and SupErficial™. The synergistic laser treatments treat both the exterior of the face as well as the Interior oral cavity to help improve nasolabial folds and the perioral lines often referred to as smokers lines. This procedure provides both immediate and ongoing results. Call to arrange a free consultation with our Laser Therapist today 158-160 Banks Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 0RH Tel: 0151 625 8080 163-165 Telegraph Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 7SE Tel: 0151 348 4878 www.sdsrejuvenate.co.uk