Have you ever wondered why two people in similar circumstances respond completely differently ? One person facing certain challenges may become anxious , panic or get angry and frustrated , whilst another person facing the same challenges will remain calm , confident and at peace . The reason this occurs can usually be explained by examining the thinking patterns we use . It has been said that the average person ( and I doubt there is such a thing ) has around 60,000 thoughts each day , and most of these will be same as the previous day . The thinking habits we develop will have a dramatic effect on how we perceive the world around us and the things we experience .
The beliefs we hold about ourselves , the people around us and our environment influence our thoughts . Sometimes people say things just because they have always said them , I ’ m an anxious person , I ’ m big boned , I ’ m weak willed , I ’ ll never be able to get that job . These beliefs are often left unchallenged . People tend to perceive beliefs as solid , true and unchangeable , but , do you still believe in Father Christmas ? I ’ m willing to bet there are lots of examples of things you used to believe in that you no longer believe and vice versa . The fact is , a belief can be changed . If we hold onto a faulty belief and act as though it is true then it is easy to see how the things we think and reinforce to ourselves over and over may also be unhelpful and untrue .
We don ’ t have to be consciously aware of these unhelpful beliefs to think and act as though they are true . When we think ‘ I must get that job ’, ‘ I need him to listen to me ’, ‘ I should be more successful ’. These words are in essence a demand . When we demand things that we have little or no control over , and things don ’ t happen as we ’ d like then we tend to suffer in some way . We then think more of the same thoughts and the cycle continues . It is fine to want a certain job or wish to be more successful , in fact it is important to have goals and to do everything within your power to achieve them but the psychological difference between wanting something and needing it to happen can have a big effect on how we feel about the outcome Thinking habits , good or bad are learnt patterns of behaviour . When we do something repeatedly , after a while our unconscious mind takes over and it starts to happen automatically before we have the chance to really consider it . This is great if our thoughts are positive but when they are of a negative nature it can lead to all kinds of issues such as procrastination , worry , stress , lack of confidence and low selfesteem etc .
Although hypnosis is commonly associated with physical habits such as smoking , snacking and nail biting etc . it can also be a highly effective tool in changing unhelpful thinking patterns . Physical habits and thinking habits share a lot of similarities , both in how they are created and how they continue to run . Just as nail biting often starts as a well-meaning distraction from a feeling of nervousness , anxiety or discomfort , maladaptive thinking may well begin as a protective mechanism against being judged , looking foolish , a fear of failure and so on . In both cases repetition causes the behaviour to become a conditioned response .
People who suffer often feel like they have no control over their situation . They think without thinking about how they are thinking ( Try saying that ten times fast !) Hypnosis can help to give you a feeling of control and address the unconscious negative thought processes that happen behind the scenes .
If you can change the way you think , you can change the way you feel , If you change the way you feel , you can change the way you respond .
Forward Hypnosis is based in Ness , Cheshire . Scott works with people every day to help them overcome their limitations , unlock more of their potential , and achieve their goals .
To find out more visit www . forwardhypnosis . com wirrallife . com 87