Wirral Life September 2018 | Page 16

Come to our Open Morning and discover all we can offer Saturday 22 September 10am-12noon Acad Musi emic, c SCHO & Sports L AR S HI and B ursar PS i es avail able ONCE again Kingsmead is a GCSE top performer among Wirral’s all-ability schools with 80% achieving at least five GCSEs including English and Maths. And we have a lot more than this to offer... • WEEKLY & FLEXI BOARDING is now available. • Our new SIXTH FORM offers 1:1 tuition in a range of subjects - the only Wirral Sixth Form able to offer this. • We are an accredited D of E CENTRE and welcome non- pupils to the scheme. Join us on September 22! Meet the staff. School tours. Head’s Address at 10.15am. DO M IN US V I TA E U ROB R An Independent School for Boys & Gi