By Alison Quinn
I have been in the Beauty Industry for over 21 years now and I always knew I was put on this earth to make people feel better about themselves ... I just didn ' t always know the right way to go about it or what people needed help with most !
During the last few month I realised a few things that really cemented to me what made me feel happiest about myself , the biggest factor to me was me feeling happiest in my own skin . At 40 , I now have the BEST skin that I have had in years , when a friend pointed out a photo from 5 years ago and I couldn ' t believe the difference compared to now ... hooded eyes , deep crow ' s feet , thin top lip , things a 35-year-old certainly doesn ' t want to see in a quick snap of a camera , fast forward to today and I love my skin , I ' m looking after it , really simply , with natural , toxin-free products , my routine is not taking up too much time of my day and I am loving how it makes me feel , the scents and aromas from the products either lift my mood or peace me out for bedtime .
So ... back to my Mission .. an amazing guy called Frazer I recently had the pleasure of being introduced to broke things down for me . He asked me to think about three things .
Things I love to do , things I am good at and things I get paid to do . It made me realise that I am so , so blessed in life to have a job , a career that is based on helping people feel good , look good , and change the way they see and feel about themselves . My passion is my profession , so that gives me Freedom to help as many people as I possibly can to achieve the positive mindset that I have helped so many of my clients to have .
Lockdown provided me with the move to take lots of my business to a virtual platform where I can help people without even being in the same room as them . Perfect for today ' s world if you are happier with less contact these days as so many of my clients are , emails , zoom , Facebook lives , WhatsApp video are mediums I never thought I would be using in my business but they are fabulous ways to keep connected with everyone , no matter where in the World they are . My mission is to help as many people as I can to love their skin and have the best skin they can possibly have .
So now over to you . What do you dislike about your skin , do you have things you would like to change or improve ? So many of us don ' t realise that even a simple change using naturally derived targeted skincare can make such a massive difference to how we look , how our skin performs to its best advantage , thus helping us to feel fresher , brighter and therefore more positive and empowered in ourselves .
Looks aren ' t everything , not one bit , if you think you are a better person because you have a nice face then you need a touch of a reality check maybe ? Who we are on the inside is ultimately what counts in making us good people . But how we feel about our exterior can improve so much about how we feel on the inside . It helps with confidence , feelings of self-worth , and all round happiness . We don ' t have to suffer in silence with skin complaints like acne , rosacea , eczema , excessively dry , or oily skin , there are things we can do to help with these issues and I am certainly happy to help anyone improve their skin .
Would you love to feel happier in your skin ? Have the best skin you could possibly have ? I would love to help you and as many people as possible achieve that goal . I am hosting Skincare Workshops and running Skincare Consultations over the next few months , why don ' t you drop me a message at alisonquinn8 @ icloud . com and we can arrange a chat soon .
" Invest in your skin , its going to represent you for a very long time '
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