The start of any new academic year focuses the mind on the exciting year ahead , and this year ’ s planning has included facing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic head on .
It has been a pleasure to welcome back all Birkenhead School children and students to the School site these last few weeks , which has once again come alive with the sound of learning within year group ‘ bubbles ’.
Children are adaptable and resilient by nature , and we could not have been prouder of their committed approach , and that of staff , during last term ’ s remote learning phase : indeed , many have truly flourished . But the School ’ s vision is to inspire each and every student , and not just within the classroom , nor purely through external exam grades . Driving academic excellence for all students will always remain at our core , but equally important is the wider curriculum that typifies a Birkenhead School education – those sporting , creative and ‘ out of comfort zone ’ opportunities that grow a child ’ s confidence , character and perspective so key to success and happiness in later life .
It is why we have approached the current Government restrictions on co-curricular activities not as a barrier to participation , but as an opportunity to be creative , to reassess our offering , and to increase our resourcing of this key area of School life .
In sport , the current staff roll already boasts many with international playing and coaching experience . However , from the start of this term , we have added further to the ranks , increasing the students ’ access to coaches aligned with England Lacrosse and with the performance pathways associated with clubs from both the Rugby Premiership and the Netball Superleague . The first Saturday morning of term saw hundreds of students training within their year group bubbles both on site and on the McAllester playing fields .
The importance of physical activity and wellbeing begins in Prep where pupils participate in sport and PE several times a week within the standard curriculum , alongside further after-school sports sessions . To this has been added an even more extensive Clubs programme than usual : whether you ’ re a keen climber or budding scientist , an actor or dancer , or prefer Lego , board games , music , multi-media or nature , there ’ s a club for you at Birkenhead School .
In music , the adaptation to the ‘ new normal ’ means the Prep will offer three orchestras this term , not one . Socially distanced year group choirs and instrumental groups will supplement the usual peripatetic lessons within Seniors , and the Sixth Form will continue to offer the ensembles and small music groups so important in enabling musicality to flourish : and all within guidelines outlined by both the Government and national associations . Our Sunday Evensong offering , somewhat unique within a day school environment , presents its own challenge , but will commence from the 27th September with a Sixth Form choir leading the worship .
This summer saw the sad passing of Sir Ken Robinson , educationalist , author and supporter of creativity within the lives of children . It is a philosophy that includes the celebration of intelligence taking many different forms , and is an ethos that runs through a series of integrated programmes at Birkenhead School : ‘ Enrich and Explore ’ in Years 1 & 2 ; ‘ Future Skills ’ in Years 3 to 6 , and subsequently ‘ Beyond the Curriculum ’ in Years 7 & 8 . Here , students might learn skills as diverse as sign language to mindfulness , problem solving to philosophical enquiry , etiquette lessons to theatre skills , and we have recently drafted in an accomplished National Theatre actor and choreographer to deliver this later module .
The coming weeks will pose children and the schools they attend with multiple and complex challenges . But if we choose to embrace these hurdles with a positivity focusing on what is important to a child ’ s development : opportunity , academic and wider challenge , encouragement and balance , then they will emerge from this period of their schooling more resilient , resourceful and skilled than ever before . We aim for this to be our positive legacy during a time of considerable change and uncertainty .
The next virtual Birkenhead School Open Day will be on the evening of Wednesday 14th October . Enquiries about this event and admission to the School should be made to Julie Hopper on 0151 651 3009 / seniorsadmissions @ birkenheadschool . co . uk for Seniors and Sixth Form ( Year 7 and above ), and Helen Askew / Beverley Farlam on 0151 652 4114 / prepadmissions @ birkenheadschool . co . uk for Prep .
Take a 360 tour of the School at www . birkenheadschool . co . uk / admissions / 360tour .
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