Wirral Life November 2021 | Page 31


A unique offering , a new way of working . Fair Result was established based on the frustration with the existing systems for dealing with the emotional issues associated with separation and divorce . Far too often , particularly where there has been a long marriage and a financial ‘ marital pot ’ comprising homes , pensions , savings and investments with other assets of some significance , delays in divorce are not associated for the desire to separate , but dealing with the implications of arranging a financial settlement .
We have worked with numerous people in the past , including our own personal experiences of divorce and believe there is a new way of working and delivering a Fair Result .
We have the experience and track record to deliver fair financial settlements to all parties . It reduces the stress and emotion , speeds up the process and above all , it reduces costs .
You will be surprised how far we will take you over a cup of virtual coffee . At the time of our engagement we will provide you with a fixed fee quotation which will not change other than under very limited circumstances explained to you at the time of our engagement . We are in the business of reaching settlements that are fair – enabling both parties to move on with their lives and reduce the emotional stress of divorce and separation .
For a totally free two hour consultation where we will tell you the ‘ marital pot ’ using our bespoke calculator using AI technology .
A full settlement , all for a totally fixed fee with nothing to pay until your consent order is approved by the Court .
We are with you , we take the risks and we get the job done . Talk to us now ...
• chris @ fair-result . co . uk : 07500 933 818 • peter @ fair-result . co . uk : 07979 857 438 • W : fair-result . co . uk