Is your Bromance with Gordan and Fred as fun as it comes across on TV ? No … really , I ’ m serious , what you see on television is thirty percent of the fun that we have , it ’ s not as fun as you think ... it ’ s MORE ! We wish they would put the additional seventy percent on TV . We spend a week to film one episode , I don ’ t know how they edit it into forty minutes . We should do a movie or do the out-takes , we have so much fun .
Which has been your best road trip and why ? America was by far the best , it was amazing ! Gordon as you know spends a lot of time in the USA and everyone knows him . Gordon really looked after us . His organisation of the trip and his hospitality exceeded anything that both Fred and I expected , we even got to meet up with his mum . Fred and I were like children in a sweet shop surrounded by candy , everything was new and interesting . Gordon has worked there a long time , he was incredible .
Did you get up to anything that couldn ’ t be aired on TV while filming the road trip ? Aghhhhhh ( Gino is laughing ). The seventy percent I mentioned earlier , I think there ' s good reason why they edit it out of the show you see . You already see crazy stuff in it already , yes ? But the stuff we can ’ t show you is even crazier .
Dare I ask Gordon or Fred ? It ’ s a difficult question really , I love them both . If I ’ m out I prefer Fred because Gordon can be a pain in the ar * e - Can we get a picture ? Can we do this ? Can we do that ? Especially when we go to America . I say to him " Oh my God man we come out for five minutes just for a conversation or a drink and we never get left alone . He ’ s like a superstar ." I love to go out drinking with Fred , he ’ s European and like me we like to go out late . If we are talking about restaurants anything like that then it ' s Gordon all day long because we both have restaurants and a lot in common .
When is the next road trip ? Hard to answer that one . It ' s difficult to get the three of us together because of our busy schedules . I don ’ t make it any easier since I decided to work six months of the year and then six months on holiday , which Gordon hates , as you know he is a workaholic . Fred has got his head around my work ethic , Gordon no , he just doesn ’ t get it ! For example , the guys say , “ Shall we work in July ?” and I say " I told you no , I ’ m on holiday " then they say " Can we film in December ?,’ I say " no I ’ m skiing " Gordon says “ Can we just fu ** ing start filming you ' re always on holiday .”
I think life should be balanced 50 / 50 for everything you do . I work one day , I want to go on holiday one day . I ’ m very lucky to be able to do this and that ’ s my ethic I appreciate what I have but how much money do you need in life , I understand people will say it ' s easy for me to say these things , I get it that not everyone can . I feel if you do have the chance in your life to do that then why wouldn ’ t you do it . Sometimes in life you need to decide what ’ s important .
I ’ m trying to teach my family that we don ’ t need another car , we don ’ t need the newest mobile phone , we don ’ t need another diamond , otherwise we are always chasing the next thing . Stop to enjoy what you have got . I know this isn ’ t easy . I ’ m not saying it is . As humans we become greedy , sorry I ’ m going on and on . This does mean a lot to me and this is what I teach my kids .
Why did you choose Liverpool for your new restaurant ? This is where the Beatles were formed , it was the home of Cilla Black . Liverpool is one of the coolest places in the United Kingdom .
When I met my wife I wanted to live in Liverpool . We have been together for ages , since I was 17 , so we were girlfriend and boyfriend at the time . I said to her why can ’ t we go live in Liverpool as my father was a huge Beatle ’ s fan . I wanted to be able to say that I live where the Beatles live . She didn ’ t want to so that was that .
Do you find it easy to understand scousers ? No ! No ! No ... It ' s a bit easier than when I first came to this country - it ’ s like another language .
Do you know any scouse words ? No … teach me one Q : Say Chicken A : I will need to put that in one of my TV Shows . Liverpool is a small city with a huge name LIVERPOOL !!! and I love it . You guys have great hearts and are very friendly .
On a more serious note , you lost your Father and more recently your Mum and it touched our hearts to watch on TV , what is the greatest memory you have of your parents and the greatest thing they taught you ? When I was younger , I was a huge dreamer and I wanted to do everything , and I remember my father saying to me ' stop dreaming and get on with it , whatever you want to do , just do it - make the dream happen '. He pushed me to get out of the house , whereas my mother did not want to lose her son .
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