Wirral Life May 2020 | Page 19

W W L L LEAR HOUSE RESIDENTS ENJOY EASTER Residents and staff at Lear House have been keeping busy during the current lockdown period by marking Easter with a beautiful display created by staff member Lucie and their traditional Easter Bonnet competition with prizes for everyone who joined in. Residents coloured their own rainbows which were displayed in the main lounge window so they can be seen by people walking by. They also made cards for family members and friends. General Manager at Lear House, Aisla Wright, said: "The beautiful weather has meant we have been able to spend time in our new sensory garden. It’s the perfect time to chat and enjoy a cool drink, ice lolly or a cup of tea. "We have been enjoying live music streamed over the internet – the wonderful Rob Steele has been entertaining us on a regular basis and everyone has enjoyed singing along to their favourite songs. "Our regular activities have continued as well with games of bingo, quizzes, hoopla, pamper sessions and darts (magnetic!)" Family and friends can keep up to date with everything happening at Lear House on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ abbeyfieldhoylake wirrallife.com wirrallife.com 19 17