It was a strange Easter for all of us in lockdown this year,
churches closed and no extended family gatherings for a
big roast dinner on Easter Sunday, but that didn’t stop
police officers from Wallasey’s Emergency Response
Team taking a bit of time to spread some Easter greetings.
They surprised some of the local community as families
were taking their daily exercise.
It certainly was a surprise to Becky McArdle from Heswall
and her family who were stopped by the police on their
daily walk.
“We heard the sirens and saw the blue lights flashing while
we were out and it made us jump but what a lovely surprise
we had! The children were on their bikes when Craig pulled
over. He had only stopped to give the children an Easter egg
each and they were so happy - it made their Easter. They
wanted to go straight home to FaceTime their Nanny. We
would like to say what an amazing job the NHS, police force
and all the key workers are doing, you should all be very
proud of yourselves.”
Craig O’ Brien who has 26 years on the force said they try as
much as possible to break down barriers around the police.
“We were just out on our rounds in the patrol car,” said
Sergeant Craig O’ Brien, “and we happened to have a lot
of spare Easter eggs this year. One of our team, Vinny
Rammath, collects from us during the year and at Easter we
buy eggs. Of course, this year we couldn’t donate them to the
usual charities or the hospital because of the circumstances
we are all in, so we thought we’d drop off a few surprises.”
16 wirrallife.com
“We always say to parents, don’t tell your children we’re
going to put them in jail if they’re naughty because we want
them to be able to come to us if there’s a problem not run
away from us! It is important to engage with young people
and encourage positive interactions with the police as
people too.
“It’s not an easy time for anyone at the moment, and when I
saw the pictures on social media and that we had 2.5k likes,
it took my breath away that such small gestures could mean
so much. As a dad myself, I thought it was a great idea to
share a bit of joy during these difficult times and we had
some brilliant reactions on Easter Sunday.”