Chart-topping Liverpudlian comedy, poetry and music trio
Scaffold have released a new and reworked version of their Top 5
hit ‘Thank U Very Much’ to raise money for the many NHS heroes
working tirelessly throughout the current global pandemic. However, iPhones aren't THAT good for studio perfection - plus
the glorious Scouse accent didn't help! - so a music video with
accompanying subtitles was quickly put together to solve the problem
for non-Liverpudlians!
‘Thank U Very Much for the NHS’ is available on Spotify, ITunes,
Amazon music, Google Play and Apple Music. The video, which was produced by Mike’s graphic designer son, using
the original 60s film of ‘Thank U Very Much for the Aintree Iron’ cut
with new footage demonstrating the current crisis, featuring both
Mike's mother, who served as an NHS nurse, and daughter, who is
currently an NHS nurse.
The new offering is a wonderfully re-imagined version of one of the
group’s most successful hits ‘Thank U Very Much’, which reached #4
on the Official Charts when first released in November 1967.
All money raised by the release of the single will be donated to the
NHS Charities.
It all started with a seed of an idea courtesy of BBC Radio Kent... who
believed a new Scaffold version of 'Thank U Very Much' would be the
ideal way to lift our spirits in these truly unforgettable times. The three
original band members: Mike ‘McGear’ McCartney, Roger ‘Poet’
McGough and John ‘Tiswas’ Gorman, were quickly inundated on
social media with requests from fans to make this happen. Great idea,
they thought, but how do you re-record an old song with musicians,
studios and Scaffold... all during the Coronavirus lockdown?!
And, so the story goes... Mike found an original 1967 Abbey Road
backing track in his loft, dispatched it to his friends at local Merseyside
studio Glass Recordings, and the band recorded new separate iPhone
recordings of the new lyrics from their respective homes in the Wirral
and London.
12 wirrallife.com
The record and video has been released to show Scaffold's support for
Britain's incredible NHS staff and to thank them all very very very
very very... much for risking their lives to save ours.
Speaking on the single release, Ed Macdonald Of 100% Records said:
“We’re delighted to have played our small part coordinating the digital
release of the charity Scaffold single - from standing start to release in
less than a week! All of our proceeds from this release will, of course,
be donated to NHS Charities Together.”
Ellie Orton, Chief Executive of NHS Charities Together, said of the
single: “We’re so pleased that Scaffold has kindly released this song,
and urge the public to get behind and download it to help support
the appeal. The proceeds will go directly to NHS charities in every
part of the country and help provide essential support to NHS staff,
volunteers and patients.”
If you would like to thank the NHS... very much, download the song!