Wirral Life March 2020 | Page 13

IN BRIEF MURPHY SCRAP METALS AND THEIR CUSTOMERS RAISE OVER £10,000 FOR CLAIRE HOUSE APRIL MAKE A WILL MONTH FOR WIRRAL HOSPICE ST JOHN'S Wirral Hospice St John’s has formed partnerships with a number of local solicitors who are all willing to draw up Wills at their own expense throughout April. In a bid to help their local community, Murphy’s Scrap Metals in Birkenhead decided to donate the cost of scrap metal donated to Claire House Children’s Hospice. Speaking about their donation efforts, Andy Murphy, Manager at Murphy’s Scrap Metals said: “We would like to thank all of our customers for their generous donations throughout the year, the scrap metal donated totalled to an amazing £6,368.81 and Murphy’s has added an extra £4,000 to make a grand total of £10,368.81 for Claire House” Claire House Children’s Hospice helps seriously and terminally ill children live life to the full by creating wonderful experiences and bringing back a sense of normality to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support the hospice helps families smile again when life couldn’t get any tougher. Emma Newell, Corporate Fundraising Coordinator at Claire House, said: “What a fantastic donation. To know that by recycling your metal you can raise such a huge amount of money is truly amazing! "It costs around £8,278 each day to run the hospice and support the work that we do. We would like to say a big thank you to all of Murphy Scrap Metals’ customers and the Murphy family for thinking of us for such a wonderful donation.” To find out more about donating your scrap metal and making a difference contact Murphy Scrap Metal at: murphyscrapmetals.co.uk and for more information about Claire House please visit: www.clairehouse.org.uk Solicitors are asking that individuals make a fair donation to the Hospice in return for this service, which is a suggested minimum donation of £90 for a basic single Will and £150 for a double Will. Appointments need to be booked in advance with each of the participating solicitors. Slots will fill up very quickly; so early booking is advised as not to be disappointed! Making a legally valid Will is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your loved ones are provided for when you are no longer around to look out for them. Many people do not want to consider making a Will yet or think that they will get to it another time. It can usually cost in the region of £150+ for a single Will and £250+ for a double Will. More complex estates, for example those involving several properties, savings accounts or business assets can take much longer to work on and can be more expensive. In this country, if your wishes are not drawn up officially then legally your assets are at the mercy of the government, which could leave behind big problems for your loved ones that could take many years to sort out. If you are a homeowner and have children it is even more important to have a Will in place. The law does not recognise unmarried couples either so if one of you dies suddenly without a Will, your partner could be left without anything. You may already have a Will in place but if major changes have happened in your life, such as marriage, having children, divorce, death of a loved one, then it can make aspects or all of a current Will invalid. Wirral Hospice St John’s provides specialist care and support to patients, their carers and families across Wirral. Julia Evans, Fundraising Development Manager said: "The Hospice’s care is free to our patients but costs more than £5 million a year to run. Legacies are a vital part of our fundraising and help us to provide care and support for future patients and their loved ones at their time of most need. It really varies what people have left us in their Wills and we are always so grateful for whatever people choose to donate to us however small they might think that gift is. Please do not delay something as important as this; pick up the phone, make that appointment and know that you will be making a donation to your local Hospice in doing so." To find out more information and a list of participating solicitors please visit www.wirralhospice.org or contact Julia Evans on 0151 343 0778 or email fundraising@wirralhospice.org. wirrallife.com 13