Ever wondered when the perfect time is to get the lawnmower out after the Winter months ? We ’ ve produced this handy month to month guide to help you look after your lawn . Happy mowing !
• JANUARY / FEBRUARY If weather is mild , occasionally cut the grass , maintaining about 25mm of growth . Keep off the grass if frozen or waterlogged .
• MARCH Scarify or rake the grass thoroughly . Spike the lawn all over and apply lawn sand if necessary . Keep mower blades high and just ' top ' the grass .
• APRIL Re-seed bare patches , apply fertilisers and moss killer towards the end of the month . Mow regularly , lowering the blades gradually .
• MAY Treat with selective weedkillers or combined weed / feed preparations if you haven ' t fed the lawn in April .
• JUNE Mow lawns twice a week if possible working to a definite pattern . Water grass if necessary , remembering to soak thoroughly .
• JULY Treat grass with second application of fertiliser . Water in as necessary . Don ' t cut the grass too closely .
• AUGUST Keep on mowing regularly and watering as necessary . Fill in any cracks caused by drought with a mixture of sharp sand and soil .
• SEPTEMBER Raise mower blades to allow the grass to thicken and protect roots from winter frost and snow . Apply autumn-winter fertiliser , weed killer and moss killer .
• OCTOBER The best time to scarify or rake out thatch from turf . Spike lawn to assist drainage . Brush in soil and sharp sand . Continue cutting as necessary .
• NOVEMBER / DECEMBER The best time to have your mower serviced - contact The Lawnmower Company . Don ' t mow if very wet as this will compact the soil and encourage waterlogging .
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