Wirral Life July 2022 | Page 58

By Charlotte Forde
People spend months before their holidays eating well and sweating it out in the gym in an effort to look and feel their best when they get the opportunity to escape their daily routine and head off on vacation , but why abandon your hard work when you arrive at your destination ? Despite holidays being the perfect way to relax and unwind , they can also take you off track not only whilst away but also upon your return back home so how can you stay on track and stay in shape whilst on holiday ?
Set your holiday goals Your mindset is the most important thing when focusing on leading a healthy lifestyle whether that be home or away . Despite your holiday being out of your regular regime it is still really important that you maintain as much consistency as you can and not completely revert to previous unhealthy habits . That doesn ' t necessarily mean resisting all temptations but maintaining healthy lifestyle choices even if those choices may need adapting slightly i . e . opting for a 20 minute HIIT training instead of a 60 minute gym session .
Using resistance with no equipment Even if you have access to a gym on holiday , you may not necessarily want to spend a lot of time there , especially when you may have the luxury of nice weather . There are many free options online when looking at body weight workouts and using body weight instead of equipment can sometimes eliminate the risk of injury when not under direct instruction from a live instructor . Another option is to mix your exercise up by adding swimming or running to your regime , both are normally free and accessible whilst on holiday .
Benefits of using the pool If you do have access to a pool when on holiday , this can be a great way to not only stay active but also reduce the risk of DOMS after a workout , cool down if the weather is hot and add resistance into a workout without the need for any additional equipment . It can also be a good way to stay active as a family by incorporating pool games like volleyball or water polo .
Stick to your 10,000 steps per day Walking is probably the best way to stay active on holiday . It is a great way to explore your destination and an easy way to burn calories . Walking isn ’ t the only way to get your step ’ s in though , why not hit the dancefloor and enjoy getting your steps in a different way .
Get plenty of sleep It may be quite tempting to stay up late whilst on holiday but you should try and ensure that you still get around 8 hours of quality sleep daily .
Being on holiday is a perfect opportunity for you to catch up on sleep even if this is on a sun lounger and if you are able to get your 8 hours and still wake up early this is a great time to get a workout in or prepare your food for the day .
Whole food snacking Snacks like nuts , berries , seeds , fruits , vegetables , legumes , whole grains , meat , fish and eggs are nutrient dense so will keep you fuller for longer . If you are on the go , try and consume whole food snacks to avoid overeating at meals and making unhealthy choices .
Don ’ t count on calorie counting I think it ’ s fair to say that calorie counting is out of the window when on holiday but ways in which you can compensate for potentially overeating is to eat slowly , drink plenty of water and cut back on meals . Eating slower can help you identify if you are already full , you will chew more and hopefully stop eating when your body signals that you are full . By drinking water you can fill the void when you think that you ' re hungry even though you may just be thirsty . If you have a meal planned , maybe in a restaurant , try to cut your calories from other meals throughout the day so that you can enjoy it without feeling guilty .
Don ’ t go overboard with alcohol Let ’ s face it , losing fat and drinking alcohol are hardly a match made in heaven but in most cases it ’ s unrealistic to have an alcohol-free holiday . So if you are drinking alcohol , moderate your consumption and try to stick to light spirits with diet mixers or tonic as these are normally lower in calories than a glass of wine or bottle of beer .
Enjoy your holiday Whatever type of holiday you are on , enjoy it . A holiday is to take time out from daily stresses and routine so try not to set new goals and if you do miss a workout don ’ t be too upset . The idea is to maintain the progress that you ’ ve made at home so if you ' re on an active break your daily activities should be enough to keep you on track and if you are on holiday to relax then a walk along the beach or a few lengths of the pool should also be enough . The main aims are to not reverse your pre-holiday hard work , increase the ability to get back into your routine easily when you get home so that you can continue with your progress and recharge your batteries .
N . B . It is always important to use sun protection factor , as spending time in the sun , regardless of your skin type , puts you at a higher risk for sun damage .
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