The Wirral Life Awards and Aesthetics Awards in London now seem
like a distant albeit unforgettable memory, as does the run up and
excitement of Christmas and New year. We certainly ended 2018 on
a high and we have even higher expectations for 2019.
However, 2019 did not start on “good foot!” A skiing incident on
January 4th saw Dr Sally return to clinic with a plaster cast and
crutches (no high heels for a while). A friend on Facebook said
“broken bones bring good luck!” With this encouragement and not to
be deterred by this unfortunate event we look forward to 2019 as this
year promises to see exciting developments in SDS Rejuvenate as we
expand our range of services and introduce additional treatments and
Skin is an integral part of our business and whether it's healthy skin
requiring maintenance or a good skin care regime, or problem skin
such as acne, pigmentation or rosacea we are able to offer advice and
treatment plans.
As our reputation has spiralled and demand increased, we
recognise the need to develop a specialised service. This new service
“DermConsult” is a clinic headed by Dr Henry Aldwinckle (qualified
GP registered with the GMC and has a diploma in Dermatology) and
will be scheduled on a monthly basis to provide an annual mole check
and skin cancer screening. This clinic will enable early detection of
moles that have the potential to develop into skin cancer and will teach
you how to check your skin and skin health giving you peace of mind.
Hyper pigmentation is also a problem that commonly arises and is
notoriously difficult to treat. We have introduced the Obagi range
of products which have been referred to as “the holy grail” in the
treatment of melasma, pigmentation and sun damage to the skin. We
are fortunate to have the support of the Obagi specialised team who
will be joining us in clinic to offer specialist advice on complex cases.
Clinics are scheduled on a monthly basis.
Skin rejuvenation is a huge topic and one that is gaining popularity
at a rapid pace and is readily promoted by celebrities. There are
numerous technologies and treatments available in clinic and we offer
a wide variety which include 4D laser facelift and resurfacing (Jennifer
Anniston and Kim Kardashians favourite) Radiofrequency (used by
Gwyneth Paltrow) and Angelina Jolie’s secret treatment – “The Triad
Treatment” which incorporates microdermabrasion, Laser therapy and
a Glycolic Peel.
All these treatments are minimally invasive skin rejuvenation methods
with fabulous results – a recent statement reported “the growth of
74 wirrallife.com
minimally invasive procedures reflects the rising interest in treatment
options that deliver with little down time and it is thought that this
demand will continue to rise in 2019”.
We continue to welcome Professor Charles Kingsland to our clinics on
a regular basis when he holds a menopause clinic offering advice on
specialised treatments including bio identical hormones.
To make an appointment for any of these specialist clinics do not
hesitate to call any of our clinics – West Kirby 0151 625 8080 and
Heswall 0151 348 4878.
Obviously we will continue with those treatments that have proved
so successful and popular in 2018. Our most sought after treatments
were Botox and Dermal Fillers together with micro needling and Body
This apparently confers with national trends and a press release on
December 10th 2018 stating “Botox has been around a long time and
treatment has a higher level of consumer awareness. Further more
there has been a recent emphasise on smaller doses at a younger age,
meaning that it looks more natural than in any previous era. This
along with social sharing trends has reduced stigma and made it more
In essence, the advancements in technology and increased awareness
of procedures have helped make aesthetics accessible to a wider
audience and more people have the ability to choose procedures to
support their individuality.
However, we appreciate there are still many concerns that people have
and it is here we can help by offering free consultations during which
we can give further information and reassurance and hopefully allay
any concerns or worries that exist.
It is a very exciting time to be working in this fast evolving branch of
medicine and we as a team will continue to develop our knowledge
and ensure we bring the newest and most exciting technologies and
treatments to the Wirral.
We look forward to seeing our regular clients in clinic throughout
2019 but also hope to meet new faces and to introduce them to the
entire SDS Rejuvenate Team.
We would like to wish all the readers of Wirral Life a very Happy New
Year and also take this opportunity to thank the Wirral Life team for
all their continuous support throughout 2018.