Wirral Life January 2019 | Page 65

THE SLIDEROBES DECLUTTER CHALLENGE FOR YOUR WARDROBE Is your wardrobe stuffed full of clothes you no longer wear? Or, maybe you can’t place your hands on that pretty top you bought about a month ago and have yet to wear? It’s in there somewhere! Alarm bells are ringing that now is time to declutter your wardrobe. your wardrobe for these things exactly where you see fit. You will find yourself with a lot more room! Use this opportunity to coordinate your clothes in a way that shows off your great style, making getting ready in the morning or evening so much more fun! To help you organise your things, get four cardboard boxes at the ready and try our ‘Four Box Declutter Challenge.’ It involves filling four boxes and is a really effective clear out challenge which forces us to make decisions on the spot about what to keep and throw away. Use your wardrobe as a starting point to identify the clutter and then move on to the rest of your room. Throw everything onto your bed and leave no space unturned. Anything that’s been in the wardrobe for five months with the price tag still attached, or the bracelet you haven’t managed to get fixed yet – be ruthless, these all need to go! BOX 4 - STORE IT For your belongings that you just can’t part with, but don’t play a part in your everyday life, place them in storage. This box could be housed in the attic or if there is enough space on a shelf in your wardrobe. Just be sure it is a space that is less intrusive. BOX 1 - BIN IT For items you never need nor want to see again, throw them out. Old magazines, shopping bags and just general rubbish – throw it out! Worn out, broken or damaged items you still haven’t managed to get repaired, clear your mind and move them swiftly into the ‘Bin It’ box. Does your storage maximise your space? Sliderobes wardrobes are designed around the shape and size of your room. Awkward spaces, under stairs or sloping ceilings are no issue for our team. Transforming your room with your very own made to measure Sliderobes wardrobe is one home improvement you can make to your house this year that will have a lasting impact well beyond 2019! BOX 2 - DONATE IT When an item is not damaged and is still very much useable, place it in the ‘Donate’ box. You could be thinking for a friend or the charity shop, but this box is for the items that you think someone else might still get use out of. BOX 3 - KEEP IT Keep any items that you regularly wear, use or need. Once everything is placed in one of the four boxes, you can start afresh and find space in Once you have successfully completed the ‘Four Box Declutter Challenge’, your bedroom should feel a more organised and tranquil environment, where you can get dressed, sleep and relax! Visit the Sliderobes Wirral showroom to get some amazing ideas and chat with one of our designers. We also offer a free at home design appointment. Our designer will call out to you in the comfort of your home, chat to you about what you would like and discuss some exciting solutions. After taking measurements of the space, your designer will use state-of-the art 3D computerised images to showcase your ideas. To find out more, or to order our new inspirational brochure, simply get in touch. Visit Sliderobes Wirral at Unit 3, Croft Trade Park, Welton Road, Bromborough, Wirral, CH62 3PQ or call to book your free at home design appointment on 0151 334 2121. wirrallife.com 65