Wirral Life January 2017 | Page 54

W L IS GETTING MORE ACTIVE THE RIGHT FIT FOR YOU IN 2017? BY PIPPA SARGENT, FIT FOR ME CAMPAIGN Most of us will indulge in some good food and drink this festive season, as is the tradition. While we might have the odd party or two to enjoy, time off is often spent relaxing with our feet up. WHY NOT MAKE YOUR NEW YEARS RESOLUTION TO: • Walk more with friends or family
Take advantage of Liverpool’s amazing parks by going for a walk with friends or family. It’s a great way to be more active and have a good catch up. • Take a walk every time you take the bin out Walking up and down your street when you take the bin out is a great way to add ten minutes of activity to your routine. • Get on or off the bus one stop early
Adding a walk to your bus rides not only helps you to be more active, it also gives you time to clear your head. • Leave the car at home If you’re going shopping or meeting up with friends nearby, why not try walking instead of jumping straight in the car? This could really help you to be more active and feel good in 2017. • Dance through 2017 Dancing is a great way to be more active. You could try going to a dance class or just stay at home, switch on your radio and go for it! • Walk the kids to or from school Add some extra walking to your daily routine and set a good example to the children. Even if you have to take the car or bus, why not stop a little further away and enjoy a brief walk. • Choose the stairs instead of the lift
Taking the stairs is a great way to being active into your daily routine. It’s not a big change but it can really help you have a more active life. • Try something new Doing something you’ve not done before, like Zumba or Clubbercise, can be daunting but going with friends or family can make it easier and fun too. • Play a sport with your friends It doesn’t matter whether it’s football, rounders or bowls, getting together for a game is a great way to be more active and have a laugh. •