INTERVIEW and style expert on TV . He and his company East of Eden work with many celebrities and charities . Nick is extremely busy jetting off around the world working with some of the biggest celebrity names , but he always makes time to support me , to make connections , to promote us on social media and to invite me to events to gain exposure for Worn By Us . We ’ re planning a pop up shop together next year – so watch this space ! We have successfully secured many opportunities which will now take us on our next phase of growth . To reach our potential we are looking for a partner to invest in us and to join our journey - so if that person is you , please get in touch !
Being diagnosed so young with breast cancer must have been an enormous shock , what helped you with the challenge of facing each new day while you were ill ?
Cancer is something that I never thought would happen to me , and came as a complete shock as I ’ ve always been very healthy and it has always been a bit of a family joke that I ’ m invincible and never get ill . My diagnosis gave me a resilience I ’ ve never had before . I realised what was really important in life , and was determined that I would be here for my children . That gave me a driving force to overcome this . I adopted a positive mindset , and I started to identify and appreciate the positive things in my life , and I kind of ‘ tuned ’ myself into treating it all like a project or a task that I had to work on and complete . I made sure that life went on as normal , I didn ’ t tell my children about my diagnosis , and so it was not a topic of conversation in the house . I continued with my life as normally as possible , and each time I went for treatment , the children thought I was going to a meeting . To me , it was an appointment in the diary I needed to attend , then I came home and carried on life as usual . Coming up with the idea for Worn By Us was a huge turning point in helping me to overcome this too . It gave me something positive to focus on , and I really want to share my story with others to help them to turn negative experiences in their lives into positives . I truly believe that it ’ s not about what happens to you in your life , it ’ s how you react to it and deal with it .
When you were diagnosed , you found it very difficult to talk about it to family and friends , how did you overcome this and do you now believe it ’ s important to talk about cancer ?
Yes , I did , I didn ’ t really want to tell anyone . My mum called my sister to tell her , I didn ’ t want to have the conversation . I passed the message on to those who did know to not talk about it unless I spoke about it first . I didn ’ t want sympathy or concern , I wanted to get on with normal life and deal with it in a way that I
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