Wirral Life Issue 78 | Page 63

By Charlotte Forde , Elevate Fitness
I recently read a statement which said “ your coach is not responsible for your training effort , eating off plan constantly , how many hours you decide to sleep , how much water you actually drink or your want for the results BUT your coach can help with making the process easier , educate you on getting to the goal , planning the most efficient way to achieve a result , make it as fun and sustainable as possible while still getting a result . Coaches are guides , not wizards . You still have to put the work in ; your attitude and effort determine the result .” So how as a coach do I promote the mindset necessary for success ?
The Power of Belief The first step may be the hardest , however if you don ’ t believe that you deserve or are capable of achieving the goals that you set out for yourself then it is very likely that you won ' t succeed . Doubt can lead to procrastination , self sabotage and inaction therefore if you are struggling to consciously believe in yourself before you ’ ve even started then it is really important that you have the following things : -
1 . Desire - The desire to succeed is normally built from a strong why . It ’ s not enough to want , you must know why you want to succeed .
2 . Proximity - It is important to surround yourself with likeminded people who not only are or want to be successful themselves but those who are also rooting for you to achieve .
3 . Momentum - Starting a new regime and adopting good habits can be tough to start , however once you ’ ve gained momentum and start to see results it will boost your confidence and belief in yourself .
Commitment is the most important thing when it comes to setting a goal for anything in life . No matter how hard it is to make a change to your lifestyle , once you ’ ve made that decision , you need to commit , which may also mean sacrificing certain things too . In the early stages it is normal to have physiological responses such as doubt and fear of failure . The key is to condition yourself to feel the fear and take action anyway . It is easy to think that our thoughts will determine how we feel , how we feel will determine our actions and our actions will determine our outcomes , however we can choose our responses at each of these steps which will ultimately determine the outcome . When you align your thoughts , feelings and actions it is highly likely that you will reach your goal .
So if you believe that there is a possibility that you could quit if or when negativity and / or self sabotage creeps in if you temporarily break your commitment it is important to consider the following points : -
Quite possibly the quickest and easiest way to see a change in the results of our lives is by eliminating negative self-talk and blame . This can be as easy as adding or removing a few words from your vocabulary .
Until - By becoming an ‘ until ’ person and replacing the word ‘ if ’ with ‘ when ’ and preparing to do whatever it takes until your dream becomes a reality
Try - The word ‘ try ’ denotes failure and when used it can sound like you are giving up .
Should - Have you ever found yourself saying , I ‘ should ’ go to the gym or I ‘ should ’ eat well ? Normally when you ‘ should ’ do something it means that you are not motivated enough to do it and when we think we ‘ should ’ do something and then we don ’ t it is easy to feel guilt which can trigger self-sabotage . Therefore replacing ‘ should ’ with ‘ must ’ followed by the reason why you must take that action will prevent you from procrastinating .
Like - ‘ Like ’ is a weak word to use when discussing your goals ; instead of saying ‘ I would like to ’, start saying ‘ I ’ m going to ’, this is much stronger and more positive .
But - The word ‘ but ’ can change a whole sentence by negating everything said before it . It enables you to use an excuse and a reason not to do something .
Abandon all excuses ; this is about taking responsibility for your actions . Every action has come from a choice that you have made . In the fitness industry , the excuse I hear the most is that I don ’ t have enough time to exercise , however there will always be time to prioritise this if you want to . This could mean going to bed an hour later or waking up an hour earlier to fit it in but that will all depend on the choice that you make . Only you have the ability to choose to control the outcomes in your life .
“ Don ' t wish it was easier , wish you were better .” wirrallife . com 63