Wirral Life Issue 78 | Page 44

We put your questions to our resident travel expert , Sorrel Ashton of Travel Counsellors , to ensure you ’ re not caught out .
Is my passport valid for travel in Europe ?
As the UK is no longer part of the European Union , EU countries now require UK passports to be less than ten years old and still be valid for at least three months at the time you ' re due to leave their country . To check your passport is valid for travel , ask the two questions for each person on your booking ( including children ) – if the answer is yes , you ’ re ready to go !
1 . On the day you arrive in the EU , will your passport ’ s “ Date of issue ” be less than 10 years old ? 2 . On the day you leave the EU , will your passport have at least three months remaining - based on the “ Date of expiry ”?
Also , if you need to renew your passport prices went up in April ‘ 24 . At time of print , it costs £ 88.50 to renew or replace your passport if you apply online , or £ 100 if you fill in a paper form . The recommended wait time is 3-4 weeks for delivery , but there are fast track options available at a cost .
When should I take out travel insurance and can I get travel insurance if I have a medical condition ?
Ideally you should take out travel insurance as soon as you book a trip , or you can take out an annual policy to make sure you are covered for all eventualities , such as cancellations or emergencies . Annual policies can generally work out cheaper and may also cover you for UK trips as well as trips abroad , should anything go wrong .
You can generally still get travel insurance if you have a medical condition . BUT you must make sure you tell your insurer of any existing condition ( usually defined as a condition where you have been to the doctor or received treatment in the last 2 years . If you are on a waitlist for the NHS , it is still possible to get cover , provided you have a diagnosis from your doctor . If in doubt , speak to your insurer . There are multiple companies that deal specifically with travel insurance for complicated medical conditions or that already have a lot of pre-existing conditions included as part of their cover as standard so speak to your travel agent to make sure you are getting the right cover for you .
I always check Skyscanner for cheap flights but how do I know the agent I am booking with is trustworthy ?
There has been lots of news recently about fraudulent online engines booking fake fares or worse . Most banks have highlighted this risk to protect their customers . And although Skyscanner fares can be tempting , research has found that the price often spirals once you add bags and other necessary items for your flight . Not only do online agents often charge more for extras , but they are also generally harder to get hold of if anything goes wrong . My advice is to either book with a reputable agent , or for the most protection consider a package holiday which can be put together by an agent for you .
Got a travel related question you would like to ask Sorrel , email sorrel . ashton @ mytc . com for help planning your next holiday .
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