Wirral Life Issue 75 | 页面 4


Welcome to Wirral Life Magazine .
This month we talk to Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark ( OMD ), an English electronic band formed in Wirral , in 1978 . The group consists of founding duo and principal songwriters Andy McCluskey ( vocals , bass guitar ) and Paul Humphreys ( keyboards , vocals ), along with Martin Cooper ( keyboards , saxophone ) and Stuart Kershaw ( drums ). Regarded as pioneers of electronic music , OMD combined an experimental , minimalist ethos with pop sensibilities , becoming key figures in the emergence of synth-pop ; McCluskey and Humphreys also established the " synth duo " trend in Britain during the 1980s . In the United States , the band were an early presence in the MTVdriven Second British Invasion .
If you ' re looking at moving home , estate agents Constables have featured some of the latest properties on the market .
Our food & drink section is jam packed this month with a food review of Panoramic 34 , along with the lowdown on the hottest spots to dine and drink .
Si Hall
Nicky Rigby-Smith
FEATURE WRITERS : Paul Askew : Food John & Steve Muff : Food David Beaufort-Dysart : Whisky The Curious Quaffer : Wine Steve Nelson : Estate Agents Aidan Fitzsimmons : Retro Motors Dr Ian Jones : Medical Dr Sally Ann Dolan : Medical Tom Atkinson : Golf Pro Charlotte Forde : Fitness Martyn Best : Features Arthur Gold : Photography Adam Kenrick : Photography
Our photographers have been out and about at the Tiny Stars Charity Ball , SDS Skin Health Event , Linghams Book Signings and Voisin Heswall Cheese & Wine Night .
See you next month . Enjoy Wirral Life !
Editors : Si Hall & Nicky Rigby-Smith
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