Wirral Life Issue 74 | Page 18

Wirral Life talks to Jonathan Hayley , Regional Partner for leading Live-in-Care provider , Promedica24 Wirral
When you need to consider full-time care , you may think that your only choice is to uproot your life , and move into a care home . This is not the case . There is another option ; Live-in care from a specialist agency like Promedica24 Wirral .
What ’ s been happening over the summer ? Firstly thank you again to Wirral Life for inviting me back to write for this month ’ s issue - they really are a great team you know !! You may remember in my last article I mentioned some of the new service propositions we launched at the beginning of the summer including respite care and part time care . As expected the timing of our respite care service has been very popular with quite a few requests from people to support elderly family members in their own homes to give the rest of the family peace of mind while they ’ re on holiday . We are also just launching daytime and nighttime only support so we ’ re expecting a busy autumn .
People are so different - how does Promedica24 manage to match carers to clients ? As I mentioned recently we have what is possibly the most diverse and robust recruitment capability of any home care provider in the UK and we recruit typically from across Europe and also the UK . As a national provider we have the capability to make a really good match between carer and client and in fact we place a really great emphasis on this . It also works two ways - both from the client ’ s perspective and also our carer ’ s . It is really important they are both happy and this is why most of our long term clients have the same couple of carers returning for years . Our clients and their families place great value on the continuity and familiarity we offer when the same two people are looking after them especially as our carers often stay for anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks at a time which helps to build really strong relationships , staying in touch for years and sending each other post and Christmas cards .
So we understand you are regulated by the CQC ( Care Quality Commission ) - what does that mean ? The CQC ( Care Quality Commission ) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England . There are a set of standards against which for example NHS hospitals , GP Practices , care homes and most private home care agencies such as ourselves are measured against . When I say most private home care agencies there are some agencies who choose not to be regulated . To be a regulated provider it means you are making yourselves accountable to the CQC in a very transparent way . All of our clients for example will have their own person-centred care plan which is a living document and details which covers everything from support needs to any social activities you would like to engage in . Also , unlike unregulated providers , all of our clients are supported by one of our professional care management team who visits regularly to make sure everything is running smoothly and is also the daily point of contact for our clients and their families . ( Top Tip - if exploring care options for family member or relative make sure to ask the provider if they are regulated by the CQC ).
You started Promedica24 Wirral 7 years ago - is there anything that still surprises you ? How time flies - it really just seems like yesterday . Definitely yes many things on a daily basis . I would say how quickly people settle into their new regime with their live-in carer . There is some understandable apprehension about a stranger coming to live with you , that is only to be expected , but within literally a matter of days it can be like they ’ ve been there forever . But that is one of the many benefits of our service having the same friendly face every night and every morning . You sometimes hear the phrase “ set in their ways , too old to change ” about some elderly people . I would argue differently and often use the example of my own mother . At 65 she was still insisting on using the old cast iron , non motorised push along lawnmower . You ( may or may not ) know the type with a large iron roller . Well we bought her a Flymo electric lawnmower and after the initial resistance she started using it regularly and we never heard another word about it ! I think it is more about habit but in my experience the elderly can be just as adaptable to change as younger people .
From a slightly different perspective I ’ m also still surprised about how difficult it is for families to get access to good quality information about the options available if something happens and a parent needs support suddenly . It can be a really stressful and emotional time if a relative ’ s health suddenly deteriorates or has a bad fall for example . Finding answers to the dozens of questions family members have can be really difficult so I enjoy being able to calmly guide them through the process and advise what support is available . Often people find it helpful to have a calm and reassuring person to talk to about it all . I bumped into an old school friend the other day in one of the new bars in Heswall and his partner made a point of thanking me for all the advice and support I gave him when his own mother was struggling ( JM if you ’ re reading this it was my pleasure :))
If you are investigating care options for yourself , or a loved one , and would like to learn more about respite care , full or parttime live-in care , reach out to Jonathan on :
J . Hayley @ promedica24 . co . uk 0151 542 5015 Facebook : @ Promedica24Wirral
18 wirrallife . com