Wirral Life Issue 70 | Page 70

This is the one you ' ve been waiting for , we ' ve looked at the first quarter and the top of the backswing , and although there are more efficient positions than others , consistency can be found from a number of different positions in these areas , the clubface though , at impact isn ' t up for negotiation .
Correct Position
So what are we looking at here ? For me this is fundamental number one in the swing , a players ability to control low point in their swing is what can stand them aside from the rest .
A ball that comes to rest on the ground needs to be hit with a descending blow , be it from a wedge or a fairway wood , this will encourage clean contact with the ball , but also correct contact with the ground , this next statement should be something you never forget , and in fact resonates amongst the best players in the game .
Follow a low handicapper or pro around a golf course and you ' ll see how often they have to replace their divots , now look at your game , or that of your peers , less divots ? no divots ? you ' re too shallow into the shot , this plays havoc with consistency .
We need to deliver the face as square as possible to our intended start line , but with the hands ahead of the blade so as to deliver a downward blow , this is best achieved when rotating the hips clear of the ball , towards the target . The legs and torso are classed as the bigger components in the body , therefore they have fewer variables and ultimately will increase consistency if employed . Lack of rotation and therefore a poor body position relative to the ball will leave no choice but to use the hands , arms and wrists to hit the ball , this can most definitely lead to some good shots , but consistency will suffer . This move is much easier to work if you ' ve checked your clubface versus the guidance in the previous two articles .
Incorrect Position
The lead hand ( left hand for a right handed player ) plays a huge role in impact , along with the lead side of the body . Unfortunately experience tells me that the more dominant hand ( right in this case ) is tempted to do more of the work and leads to a pushing motion , weakening the angles . A sensible idea is to train the left hand independently .
Have a go at this drill .
Take your standard address , grip down on an 8 or 9 iron but in your lead hand only , make a few rehearsal swings paying attention to where the club bottoms out , if the divot isn ' t a few inches ahead of the ball then keep going until they are , now address the ball and hit a few pitch shots away . Once you ' re confident then add the trail hand , but lightly , more of a stabilizer than anything else .
Give it a go , it ' s the start of better golf for you .
70 wirrallife . com