Wirral Life Issue 70 | Page 58

By Charlotte Forde
As we come into a new spring / summer season , it ' s a perfect opportunity to take on an outdoor physical activity and there ' s no better way to make the most of the nice weather whilst taking care of your health and wellbeing than start playing a sport . As well as the obvious health advantages like the reduction of musculoskeletal disorders and chronic disease , having a sport as a hobby can have many other benefits including stress management ; increased self-esteem ; strong social connections ; improved cognitive functioning and mental and emotional resilience .
We are lucky enough to have a variety of sports to choose from including football , tennis , padel , rugby , horse riding , cricket and golf . Despite sports requiring a certain level of skill and occasionally having to join a team or become a member at a club , most sports are normally accessible to all however , many people are still put off starting a new sport . This can be due to many different reasons but is normally because of a lack of confidence ; physically , emotionally or socially but once the first step has been taken it becomes easier to integrate and you realise that everybody has been in the same position at some stage .
The easiest things to achieve when starting a new sport is the increased fitness levels and skill acquisition but in almost every sport , one thing that many people can forget once they start to feel comfortable is how fuelling the body is essential to perform at your best . Of course , the intensity is different but like any physical activity you will still be expending more calories than at rest . The goal is to keep your blood sugar stable by eating and drinking throughout your session , the fluctuations that come with sugar are what can cause mood and energy which affect your performance .
Below are the most obtainable and healthy snacks that can easily be consumed before , during or post play : -
Water Water is probably the most important , affordable and simplest thing to take in during play . It can help reduce the risk of dehydration and increase levels of concentration .
Bananas Bananas are simple and easy with no preparation required . They are packed with a high amount of carbohydrates to maintain / increase energy levels .
Malt Loaf Malt Loaf like ‘ Soreen ’ can usually be found in handy pre wrapped bite size bars . They are low in fat and high in carbohydrates .
Sushi Sushi may be slightly controversial when thinking about a snack to eat when playing sports but as it is low in fat but also full of carbohydrates and protein it seems like a no brainer . Healthy fish oils will also assist in muscle growth and recovery .
Rice Cakes If you have a sweet tooth , rice cakes can be a great alternative to a chocolate bar . They are low in fat but they are also high in carbohydrates to keep you fuelled .
Protein Bar / Shake Protein will assist in post game recovery and will help replenish energy levels . Because bars and shakes are now available almost everywhere and they are so easy to store they are perfect towards the end of your game .
Nuts Almonds , Macadamia and Brazil Nuts are among some of the top snacks when it comes to sports due to the high amounts of protein and good fats that will keep you fulfilled for longer and provide crucial minerals .
Crudites and Hummus If you are able to pack this , it ’ s a great option to keep you playing your best . Carrots , cucumbers and peppers are normally a good choice and a protein packed hummus to pair them with .
It is important that if you are concerned about your health or have any underlying health conditions , you should seek medical advice before making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle .
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