Wirral Life February 2020 | Page 29

WL W L WIRRAL RELIC TAM O’SHANTER FARM NEEDS YOUR HELP… If you have grown up in Wirral, you will more than likely be familiar with Tam O’Shanter Farm. Whether you played there as a child or spent days out there with your children, it’s no exaggeration to say the farm is a key part of our history. The farm is not owned, managed or funded by Local Authority. It has always been an independent “private estate” owned by the Tam O’Shanter Cottage Urban Farm Trust. The estate receives no income apart from donations, sponsorship and public fundraising. For the farm to remain a managed facility, £85,000 needs to be raised through sponsorship and pledges to carry it through the next financial year. After this money is used to stabilise the farm, the Trust has plans to recreate the busy community hub of previous years and offer volunteer placements to young people, the socially challenged and those in long term unemployment. They also have plans for an education programme for all ages and a mental health wellbeing scheme. Unfortunately, the farm has been more or less unmanaged for many years. Members of the community have come and gone to play a part in the lands survival, but there has been no consistent way of working and no effective business plan. To achieve this, the Trust will need funding to employ a full time qualified and experienced volunteer development manager to oversee the volunteer projects activities and an income generation and events manager to capitalise on the farm’s assets and available spaces. Back in November 2018, the Trustees set themselves a challenge to make the farm sustainable and self-supporting within 12 months. A Big Lottery development grant is currently under consideration but will only fund very specific developments and will not contribute to the core funding required to sustain it. However, due to no investment over a long period of time, many areas of the farm had sadly fallen into disrepair. The Trust asks for YOUR pledges in 2020, in order to begin the financial year with a bit of stability. Without enough pledges, it could sadly see a return to an unmanaged and haphazard existence. The Trust worked tirelessly for 12 months and is now finally ready to move forward. However, it is impossible for the farm to remain effectively managed and maintained with such a lack of funding. To offer your support or sponsorship to Tam O’Shanter please contact Josephine Wood MBE, Treasurer and Trustee Pawprints Wirral Wildlife at: [email protected] wirrallife.com 29