Kate Kingston, Managing Director
of Kingston Shaw, an award winning
interior design company with offices
on the Wirral, London and Dubai,
shares with us the latest trends for
creating the perfect home.
A glass top on a dining table is a great way
to maintain light in a space and we love
this table from Sovet called the Aikipo.
With the mass of cookery and home design programmes clogging up the television schedules, it
occurred to me that we are raising a nation of Ramseys and Hoppens eager to reinvent the dinner
party in their beautiful homes. But the dining room, it seems, is going out of fashion. Meals are
eaten around the kitchen (island, table or sink) or, more likely, on the coffee table at an hour our
grandparents would probably have considered to be “bedtime.” So whether you are lucky enough
to have the space to have a dedicated room to masticate in or you have zoned your open plan
living/kitchen/dining area, the ‘dining’ experience is important and should be an integral and
meaningful part of your life.
In an effort to ease the endless decisions to be made when choosing what style of dining area you
want, or which table is best for socialising or sourcing the comfiest of chairs, we took a trip to
Chattels in Chester to refresh ourselves with what is out there and to road test some of the best
dining tables and chairs the world of design has to offer.
Round Tables are a favourite for
entertaining, as they are inclusive but
what if you do not have the space for a
round table all of the time? Then why not
look at the Moon table from Jesse, this
clever little table is square but by adding
leaves to the sides it becomes round!
An extending table like the Cineline
from Ligne Roset is the perfect example
of function and style, it looks fantastic
and has the added element of being able
to be butted up against a wall without it
cramping the diners when not extended.
To add colour and
drama in your space
try the Tobi-ishi
designed by Edward
Barber in 2012 by
B&B Italia.