A teenager and her mum completed a gruelling 100km trek
across the Sahara Desert to raise money for Alzheimer’s
Research UK. Amber said: “It was a life-changing experience and I will
never forget it. It benefitted me in many ways and made me a
stronger person.
Amber Jeffrey, 15, and her mum Helen, who live in Ellesmere
Port, Cheshire, were inspired to support the UK’s leading
dementia research charity because Amber’s great aunt has
Alzheimer’s disease. “I will admit it was tough but to give up was never an option.
I truly made myself proud and I hope my family felt the same.
I’m very grateful for everyone who donated and helped me
with this trek.
The six-day trek in Morocco was the culmination of a year of
fundraising activities, which raised nearly £3,500 for life-
changing dementia research. “Alzheimer’s Research UK is a very important charity. I hope
I have made a difference and have inspired people to do the
same because this charity is amazing and we will find a cure for
One of their biggest fundraising events was a quiz night,
organised as part of Alzheimer’s Research UK’s The Mighty
Quiz campaign. They also organised a social evening with a
Paul McCartney tribute act and sold items donated by family
and friends at monthly car boot sales.
Helen, 45, said: “I’m very proud of Amber, not just for
completing the trek but for her efforts raising the money. Being
involved in this has really boosted her confidence.
“For the car boots she had to get up at 4am in the morning,
which is not easy for a teenager.
“The trek was very tough. We had to get up at the crack of
dawn each day and had to carry all our supplies for the day.
Each night we were camping out in the desert, there were no
washing or toilet facilities. For a teenager to be happy to just
crack on and not complain shows how strong a person she is.
“Although it was tough, it was a great experience. The scenery
is amazing. You think the desert would be just sand dunes, but
it’s quite diverse. And the night sky is incredible.”
16 wirrallife.com
Gillian Edwards, Regional Fundraising Officer at Alzheimer’s
Research UK, said: “We can’t thank Amber and Helen enough
for raising vital funds for dementia research and supporting
the work we do to bring about the first life-changing dementia
treatment by 2025.
“There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK and
Alzheimer’s Research UK is leading the fightback to bring an
end to the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia through
world-class research projects across the UK and beyond.”
After a hugely successful first year, The Mighty Quiz has
been relaunched for 2018. It’s a unique quiz which gives
you all the tools you need to host an event and raise money
for Alzheimer’s Research UK. For more information and to
download a Quizmaster pack, go to www.themightyquiz.org
If you would like to take on a trek for Alzheimer’s Research UK
go to www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/support-us/fundraise/
events for more information.