Wirral Life December 2019 | Page 94

LU BAN LAUNCH Dignitaries from across the city and beyond gathered at the city’s newest dining destination, Lu Ban to take part in a special event to mark the restaurant and Chinese culinary art cooking school’s official launch. Guests including Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside, Mr Mark Blundell, the High Sheriff of Merseyside, Mr David Steer QC DL, The Lord Mayor, Councillor Anna Rothery, Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram and Chief Constable Andy Cooke, met with an official delegation from Tianjin who were visiting the city specially to mark the launch of the collaborative venture. Directors of the Tianjin Trade and Economic School (Tianjin School of Cuisine) mingled with over forty specially invited VIP guests who represented the city’s most high-profile businesses and local government agencies. Lu Ban Chief Executive Dr Xiaoli Dutton and Tianjin Trade and Economic School (Tianjin School of Cuisine) principal, Mrs Enli Liu cut the ribbon to mark the official launch of the centre and guests were welcomed with an performance from the Liverpool Chinese Martial Arts dragon dancers before being treated to an evening of exquisite Tianjin cuisine. Lu Ban, which is situated in the heart of the Baltic Triangle in the former Cains Brewery site is the first venture of its kind in the UK. The project has seen an investment of over £2m into the exclusive new restaurant and cooking academy. David Hughes, Lu Ban’s Commercial Director has over 20 years’ experience in the hospitality industry and says this is the most exciting project he has been involved with. Mike Mounfield, Lu Ban’s Managing Director has many years of experience in education and the restaurant industry and is proud to bring Lu Ban to Liverpool. The restaurant, which has a host of exciting private dining options, is open to the public from Thursday to Sunday and you can find out more by visiting: www.lubanrestaurant.co.uk 94 wirrallife.com