Wirral Life December 2018 | Page 25

IN MEMORY OF TIM COGLEY The first of December saw an emotional gathering in the heart of Heswall. An assembly of family, friends and supporters on what would have been Tim Cogley’s 36th birthday to remember his life and celebrate the work of the Foundation set up in his honour following his early death in 2017. Tim’s fatal heart attack, triggered by a previously unknown massive cholesterol blockage of a key artery, has shaken family, his numerous friends and the local community to the core, and nothing will ever erase their sense of loss. Yet from this tragic set of circumstances something powerful and positive has emerged - the desire to ensure that other families are spared the heartbreak which has engulfed the Cogley family. As Tim’s Father, Frank explains, ‘Tim’s life may have been saved if there had been a systematic screening of his age group, a group currently and sadly outside the regular coverage of those responsible for offering preventative medical care. I have spent my life working with and for young people and we are determined to achieve something positive for them by offering their families a genuine chance of avoiding our family’s tragedy and heartache.’ This may seem like a bold statement, but with quiet determination and an unshakeable sense of purpose Tim’s family and close friends and the local community have already started to make the dream a reality. By building a network of highly committed trustees, patrons, volunteer fundraisers and corporate supporters The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation has already raised over £19,754, and with the generous support of global health screening giant, Randox Healthcare, has recently completed a pilot programme of heart and health screening for 400 young people aged between 18 – 39 on the Wirral. As Dr Rachael Syvret, GP Partner at West Wirral Group Practice commented, “It has been a privilege to be involved with the Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation. The work they are doing to raise awareness of cardiac disease in the 18-39 year olds is highly commendable and the impact this may have on young people and their lives is potentially huge. I am extremely proud of what they have achieved so far and long may their impressive work continue.” Milestones for the charity have come thick and fast in 2018. The creation by Revolution Four of a website and MyDonate page, a host of fabulous fundraising events, earning the support of the local medical community, and the forging of strong ties with international health screening provider, Randox. As the charity’s reputation has grown, the offers of help and support have snowballed and 2019 is already looking bright. January sees the charity take part in the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ scheme across Wirral, both Everton and Tranmere Rovers have pledged their support and a fabulous black-tie event is starting to take shape. Along-side the screening and fundraising activities the Foundation aims to launch an educational programme, which by sharing Tim’s story, will illustrate the need to be aware of key health indicators (e.g. blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose concentration) in the hope of ensuring that more young people are informed about lifestyle choices that can affect the health of their hearts. As Tim’s eldest brother, Adam, explains, “It’s all about increasing awareness and understanding. We all think we’re invincible, especially when we’re younger, so it’s vital that we educate young people to be aware of the risks and to think about getting checked out.” To continue to grow, the Foundation needs your support. Whether organising a fundraising event, making a donation or simply putting a token in a slot in Tesco stores, we would love your help. Find out more: https://www.timcogleyfoundation.com/, Donate: MyDonate.bt.com thetimcogleycardiacscreeningfoundation Stay in touch: @TimCogleyFoundation Email: [email protected] wirrallife.com 25