by Annabel Birtles
If you’re someone like me who’s been dying their hair since
the beginning of time, then you’ll understand the constant
losing battle to keep it in a healthy condition. After years of
tinting and bleaching my hair blonde and the disappointed
looks from my hairdresser every time I wanted to go
blonder, I really thought it was the end of the road for my
blonde journey and I was going to have to journey to the
dark side. The constant maintenance was destroying my
hair, but this all changed when I discovered Olaplex.
Olaplex is a revolutionary three-step process created by
leading scientists that works on a molecular level to seek
out broken bonds in the hair that are caused by chemical,
thermal and mechanical damage. Olaplex is used to rebuild
and restore compromised hair and provide the ultimate
breakage insurance. For me, long gone are the split ends and I
can finally embrace my blonde locks without having to worry
about half of it snapping off every time I run a brush through
it. My hair has been left feeling stronger and looking shiner,
and I couldn’t recommend this treatment enough.
Olaplex works for all types of hair, coloured or not, and has
received rave reviews with Marie Claire describing the brand
as one of the biggest advances in hair technology for years.
Here is the available range:
No.1: Bond Multiplier
(Salon only)
Beginning the rebuilding –
This concentrated first salon
step rebuilds broken bonds
and begins the process of
preventing damage and
repairing hair.
No.2: Bond Perfector
(Salon only)
Pursuing hair perfection – The
second salon step continues
to rebuild and restore any
remaining broken bonds
ensuring the strongest,
shiniest, and healthiest hair
No.3: Hair Perfector
£32, 100ml from Beauty Bay
Repair, protect, and strengthen
– No.3 is an at-home treatment
to be used once a week that
reduces breakage and visibly
strengthens hair, improving its
look and feel.
No.4: Bond
Maintenance Shampoo
£24, 250ml from Cult Beauty
Olaplex released a Shampoo
and Conditioner so you can
keep up the treatment on a
daily basis.
No.5: Bond
Maintenance Conditioner
£24, 250ml from Cult Beauty
wirrallife.com 75