Mrs Aenone Harper-Machin, a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at
Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Wirral, explores the answers.
Figures released recently by the British Association of
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) show that cosmetic
surgery continues to be in high demand amongst the UK
population, with liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose jobs) and face
and neck-lifts being particularly popular.
A myriad of motivations lie behind these trends and the media
has pointed to a range of influencing factors when it comes to
people wanting to improve their appearance, from the desire to
mimic celebrities and reality stars, to the growth of athletic-wear
fashion and the ongoing bid to defy ageing.
It’s likely that the thought of having a cosmetic procedure has
crossed many people’s minds, even if just for a moment. But, if
surgery is something that you’re seriously considering then it’s
important that you take the time to stop and ask yourself, ‘is
plastic surgery right for me?’
Answering that question means exploring your own motivations.
While surgery can enhance your appearance, and help to boost
your self-esteem and confidence, it is not a panacea to all of
life’s problems and a responsible plastic surgeon will want to
be assured that you have realistic expectations of the outcome
before they agree to perform a procedure.
It’s also important to approach your consultant with a clear idea of
the aesthetic result you want to achieve from the surgery. Doing
your own research is helpful here and the internet can provide
some basic background to what the various types of procedures
involve and what result they are designed to accomplish. Often,
the first question I ask my patients is, ‘what have you read about
this procedure?’, as this gives a good starting point to verify
anything they’ve spotted online, or to dispel any misconceptions.
Researching the cosmetic surgeons in your local area is a good
idea too. It’s vital to ensure that your surgeon is registered by the
General Medical Council (GMC) and to assure yourself of their
professional background, experience and qualifications.
36 wirrallife.com
Having done some initial research, if you’re still keen on having
a procedure, booking in a consultation to talk to an expert
about what’s involved is the logical next step. The majority
of my patients are seeking a natural enhancement of their
outward appearance, or changes that will make them feel more
comfortable in themselves, and so I talk to them about how we
can achieve that – through procedures that won’t leave them with
an obvious ‘overdone’ look.
As a highly experienced plastic surgeon, I am passionate about
the artistic nature of surgery, but realistic and honest with
regards to its limitations. It’s my goal is to ensure that patients
are happy with the surgical choices that we make together and
that they attain their desired appearance. It’s always wonderful to
speak to my patients post-surgery to discover that the procedure
has given them exactly what they wanted, having managed
expectations throughout.
It pays to take time to think about what results you want from
any type of elective plastic surgery and to do your research before
committing to a procedure. Then it’s simply a case of making
sure you’re in expert hands.
At Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Wirral, we offer an extensive
range of cosmetic procedures for both men and women to
reduce the effects of ageing or to help change the appearance of
a body part you’re self-conscious about. Our consultants have
wide experience in some of the latest techniques and innovations
and our inclusive prices and access to 0% finance options make
the process easy and more affordable.
For further information on
our broad range of procedures
and to find out more about our
team of expert consultants,
search ‘SpireWirral’ or call our
specialist advisers on: 0151 929